Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The Work Anniversary

It was the 'first day of school.'
Technically, not for me. As I'd just barely graduated before summer started.
Yet, unsure of my future, I'd signed up for some institute classes just to give me something to do.

I wasn't quite to the point where I was desperate for money. But things were going to get tight...
If I didn't get a job to help pay for bills.
I had all sorts of plans for what to do depending on my situational status.
I mean. I'd applied to half a dozen places with hardly a nibble. So if I couldn't get a job in college town...well I'd considered everything between moving home, to moving out of state to help an aunt and uncle run their hotel.

However, there was hope on the horizon.
I'd had a couple of interviews with the same company the week before. Basically every time I went in a different manager would talk to me. And it basically was set that I would work there. But being cautious I wasn't going to celebrate that fact until the last of the i's were dotted and t's crossed.

And that Monday. The first day of school. August 27th.
It happened.
I got the job!
I officially started working at Starsmet,
and you can't believe how much of a stress reliever that was. I was practically giddy the rest of the day and I could hardly focus in my institute classes at all.

Of course when I started at Starsmet...I hadn't planned to work there more then a semester or so. I'd had different goals, ideas, wants, needs.
But then I discovered.
I really loved this job.
Seriously. I haven't had more fun working at a place then I have here.

And that's what makes me extremely happy.
Because, since I was little. I always had the goal to work at a job I loved.
I never wanted a job for 'the money.'
I wanted a job where I would wake up and think "I get to go to work! Yay!"
And I found that at Starsmet.
lol of course the job has it's moments.
But, as of yet, I haven't had the thought "I don't want to work here anymore.'
It's a fun place to be. I mean come on! Animals! Who doesn't love working with animals! lol.

So one year later, here I find myself. Still at Starsmet. :)

^^ Let's see what the 'new year' brings me! :)

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

...was rather chaotic. Ghosts, murders, uncomfortable situations, a drive in theatre...basically a series of creepy dreams that faded once I woke up.


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