Wednesday, August 21, 2013


It's that time of year.
Where roommates move out.
and....leave things behind.

Sometimes it's on purpose.
Sometimes it's completely accidental.

But when Kikay discovers them.
And realizes that none of the current set of roommates have any idea what it is or who it belongs to. She calls out "Inheritance!"

lol it's a fun new concept really.
I mean, a person leaves.
You inherit whatever they owned that is now left behind.
They're not coming back to get it.
So it's yours!

It's something that probably happened every year my roommates moved out, and I stayed behind.
But not something that totally hit me...
Until I was the last person in my apartment.

Seriously, all my roommates moved out.
And I'm this lull state where I'm the only one actually living here.

Suddenly. I'm inheriting a lot of things I didn't know weren't my roommates.

Like food.
Kikay has told me stories of stuff she found her fridge that expired in 2011 and whole new species of vegetables in the veggie store.
Well, I found stuff in the fridge.
Nothing so late as 2011. Just 2012 stuff.

But in any case.
There was a lot of food, that wasn't mine.
In the fridge it was pretty easy to toss most of it out.
Most of it was either already expired, half empty, or....what I would never eat.

Then I came to the freezer.
It was chalk full of stuff!
Talk about inheritance. It totally reminded me of the freezer in my dad's basement. Full of meat that hardly ever gets eaten. lol.
Me...I'm not quite a meat person.
And here. Here I had three different types of fish, hamburger meat, turkey burgers, chicken...the list went on and on.
I pulled it all out.
And thought to myself.
"It's a shame to throw this all out. Some of this has never been opened!"
-Of course the stuff that had been opened/was mostly gone/freezer burnt totally made friends with the garbage.
But...the non opened stuff.
It had to still be good right?
Right. Freezer stuff lasts waaaaay longer then fridge stuff.
The problem.
I knew I wouldn't eat this inheritance.
I'm not that sort of 'cooking' person.

But I didn't want to throw it all away.
I could literally see dollar signs on that food.

Kikay helped with the problem.
She ended up with roommates who love to cook.
And are totally willing to experiment on food.
So she dropped by with Mirleki and scooped up most of the freezer meat.
Leaving me with a nice pretty empty freezer.

Yay! :D
Finally. I have just my stuff in the fridge and freezer. ^^ Woot.
:S It's pretty empty. It makes me want to go buy a bunch of food to fill it up. Haha.
But I'll wait. The new roommates can do that for me. ;)

Now.....what other things have I 'inherited?' Hmmmmm

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I was in my parent's church. Wandering around the halls, when I noticed there were these thin silk string spider web looking things all over the place. They were mostly beneficial things. Marking places where people had left things, or were lines of memory. But then I noticed some...had this big yellow spot in the middle of them. Not noticeable right away, but the amber egg like thing...was evil. Evil pretending to be something good, but it was just evil. And they were surrounding all the entrances to the chapel. I couldn't let that happen, and the one way I knew how to destroy those threads...was with a white ribbon. It could be any length, design, material, as long as it was pure white (though if you had gold embellishments on it, it would work too.) and I had this thick leather choker thing that I'd been trying on. So I went around the hallways searching for one of those 'evil bubbles' hiding amongst the white. I found a big one. and with a Swipe I went through the strands, destroying the web the evil had created.
Another unique thing about these webs, were that you could walk through them and not realize it. As only the person who had 'set' the web, or those who had the 'sight' to see them would see them. While you can walk through them, you don't have to though. Most of the time they're pretty out of the way, and if they do happen to be in the middle of a hallway or something, most people would walk around them without realizing that they'd walked around them. This was particularly true for the webs containing the 'evil' in it. People would walk around them without realizing they were doing so. So I set out to destroy those 'evil' webs. dad caught me and demanded to know what I was doing. I was destroying priceless artifacts around the museum (because the place was some old war museum thing as well) So I showed him, I took him to the next 'evil' spot. Showed him what to look for and then destroyed it. Only to have this older gentleman come up and moan the fact that I'd just destroyed his memoirs of his life history. Yet he didn't seem upset about the fact, he actually joined in with us on wiping away the webs we were finding.....

Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


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