Wednesday, May 2, 2018

A Fun Conversation

So at work, usually when I'm trying to get from point a to point b to get a task completed,
I actively work to avoid going down aisles that have customers in them so I don't have to engage them in conversation. 
(Shh don't tell work I do this.) 

But I don't always pick the right aisle to go down.
Sometimes I'll turn down an aisle and discover a customer standing midway down it...and by that point it's too late to pretend you're continuing past said aisle and so you have to engage in conversation. 

Which is what happened today.
I was heading to the back on an errand and turned down one of the dog food aisles...only to realize that there were people in that aisle. *exhales* Ooops.

Lol, but it ended up being quite the amusing conversation. 
Because the people were a man and wife, older generation. Like grandparent age.

And it was that near typical duo where the wife was trying to be all serious and ask me relavent questions, while the husband kept distracting the two of us with oddball comments and silly questions lol. 

Like "Can I help you find something?"
And she was like "Yes, I have two pets and I'm looking for--"
"For a hundred dollars." he interrupts. "I dropped it in the parking lot, can you help me find it?"
"Oh shush! You did not!" 
Me, trying to not smile too widely. "I could try, sir. But I'd say it's probably long gone by now."
"What if I showed you a picture of it, if someone turned it in--" *reaches to grab his phone* 
Wife: "Honey! Stop goofing off!"
Me: "I'd have to have like the serial number or something, to prove it's actually yours." 

It's fun, I enjoy it when I can have teasing conversations with people. 

And like the woman was like "Honestly! I can't take you anywhere! You're always ready to perform! You're wasting her time!" 

To which I was like....that's not a bad thing. 
I can get how it can get frustrating to have someone always goofing off when you're trying to have a serious moment.

But I do like it when I can know, have fun with a customer. 
Most of the time the questions directed towards me are of a more serious nature.
So to have someone who's just joking around and having fun because they know you know that they're joking and they appreciate you trying to play along...

It's fun.

I didn't mind it.
Lol though it does throw me for a loop nearly every time because like....I don't expect it much at work. 

Or at anytime really....

Hmmm. I need to surround myself with more less serious people apparently. ^^;; 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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