Monday, May 7, 2018

Where Is It?

It's always an interesting experience when I go to get my oil change.
Mostly because, while I know the general formula for how these interactions will go, I can never expect things to go exactly as they went the last time I dropped by.

Which isn't surprising because I don't always visit the same location to get my oil changed --Especially if I have other car things to do like Registration and Tire Rotations and such. 
Plus...each person is different in how they go through the services and such.

So it's...well fun.
Because you'll get those guys that will go into detail about every little thing and try and tell you that you need to be spending money on everything.
While others will be like. "Here's the major things, I think this should be done, you're good here." etc. 

Today, it was more of the latter one.
The dude went through a quick spiel of things -most of it I didn't catch because wow those guys can talk fast in their mechanic lingo lol. 

But the one thing I did get was the guy was like "Do you know your dipstick is missing? Because we couldn't find it and therefore we couldn't check your oil levels for you. So do you need us to replace that for you?"

And I was like. O.o No? It's there. The top just broke off years ago, so it's not easy to see.

So the mechanic was like. O.O Huh? Can you show me where it is? Because like...I can't find it. 
-And he was quick to point out that he's been a mechanic for a while I think he was trying to establish that a) he knows what he was doing (which I kinda figured he did, he had the aura of one who knew what he was doing) and b) was genuinely curious as to where it was because if he couldn't find it....where would it be?

So he took me out into the shop, to my car where the hood was open.
And on the walk over there I was thinking to myself. "I really hope I remember where that thing is."
Because like....I haven't actively looked at it in a couple of years or so.

But yah, once I saw the inside of the car, I was like "Oh it's right here." And I point to this thin flat piece of metal sticking up out of the engine (which part of the engine I have no idea, I am not a car person lol) 
And the dude was like. ()_() I don't believe it, but yah! It's right there!!! Wow. 
lol he was again quick to point out how he had missed it the first time around.
Which basically boiled down to the metal is thin enough that it blends in, so if you're looking at it from the wrong're not going to see it. 

lol. ^^;; Sometimes it's fun to be the 'smart' one.
Though when it comes to cars....those moments are always far and few inbetween lol. XD 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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