Thursday, May 24, 2018

Lots of Stress

It's one of those stressful weeks at work.
lol. Obviously because I've been posting about it so much this week.

But it hadn't just been stressful for me.
No, it's been stressful on my managers too.

Specifically my stocking manager who unexpectedly ended up down three workers this week. 
Which was bad.
Because those three were the main stockers of our work.
Besides the other managers.
They're currently gone because one is on vacation, the other injured, and the last one took sick. 

So my manager has basically been going at it, nearly by himself for the entire week in his department.
And I can tell that the stress and frustration is setting in on high.
Because not only does he have to get all his stocking tasks done, but he's also been the morning manager in the store, so he's constantly running back and forth trying to help customers, do things at the register, and get his work load done as well as get the morning manager tasks done. 

So yah.
He's stressed.

And today was another stressful day for him.
Because again, no workers.
I ended up coming in half an hour early this morning just so that he could enter the store at his scheduled time.

And he had a ton on his plate today.
Pricing, cleaning, other manager stuff....

But of the groomers called out.
An issue because this manager is still pretty new to the store....
And had no idea how to call the groomer's clients to inform them that their groomer was sick so therefore we're going to have to reschedule your dogs to come in a different day.

And our groomers usually don't show up until right when they open.
-Because scheduling doesn't have them come in until right when they open for the day.

Which meant that if this groomer who called out....had customers coming in right first thing in the morning...we wouldn't be able to contact them before they showed up.
That equals angry customers. :S :S :S Not fun.

So my manager was waiting for the other groomer to come in.
As usually there's two groomers in the morning for their opening.
But the time for them to show up came and went....and the manager had to call the other groomer scheduled and be like "Where are you?"

....yah, apparently because that groomer's first dog wasn't showing up until half an hour later, they thought that they could come into work a few minutes later.
-Which...I don't get that logic. If you're scheduled at a certain up on time. 
*shakes head*

In any case. The manager was dealing with this grooming crisis. Which thankfully the other groomer showed up so that they could show him how to call customers to reschedule dogs and such....

But that was putting the manager behind even further in his own duties. 
And he ended up getting more behind because Another groomer ended up calling out a couple of hours later, which meant another round of calling customers..... Not fun. Not fun.

I could totally sense his stress and frustration building.
Because like....there was no one there to help him.

You know....except me....and my coworker.
And with it being Thursday....we usually manage to get opening in my department done rather quickly.
And since I'd come in half an hour earlier....I figured I could take a half hour out of opening and help out a bit. 

So when I got to a good stopping point, I went and found the manager who, at that point, was still in grooming, and asked him if he wanted me to sweep the floor.
As that's usually one of the major concerns is getting all the random debris cleaned up so customers don't slip, trip, step in things and get hurt. 

He was surprised and gratified, methinks lol. And was like "Could you!?" 
So I went and grabbed the floor sweeper thingy. That big long broom that you just push around.
And proceeded to spend half an hour pushing it around the store, up and down aisles and such. 

Nothing too crazy lol. As I don't know really how to do the other cleaning projects.
but yah, pushing around a broom, not so hard.

And as I passed by the office, where the manager was.
He was like "Sarnic, have I told you how awesome you are?"
And I was like: "umm...I think so?"
He was like "Well, you are. You're very awesome. Thank you for helping." 

I try.
I don't like seeing people struggle.
So if I can see a way for me to help out.
I try to do so. 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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