Sunday, May 13, 2018

So Grateful

There are moments when I am reminded how grateful I am for my family.

Because I've had a lot of people, friends/acquaintances/roommates/coworkers/strangers tell me that they can't stand certain members of their family, or don't get along with them.

And it just boggles my mind.

Because I get along so well with my family. 
Like it probably boggles everyone else's mind that I we're all so close knit and happy to be around each other. That we actually want to be together, and take vacations together and such.

I mean, it's not like us kids didn't have our moments growing up with fighting and such. ;) lol All siblings do that really.
But family is really super close and we love to meet up and do things.

So it just boggles my mind whenever I hear about others who....don't.
Like they don't want to ever see certain members of their family, or don't want to meet up, and....
I don't get it.

And I'm so grateful that my family has remained as close together as we have. And I'm so thankful to have grown up with amazing parents who were able to balance everything out so that we like...remained safe, but didn't feel like we were controlled, where we could experiment, and test out desires and hobbies without fear, where we were able to learn and grow, and share life experiences, and just....learn to be ourselves. Learn to be independent, learn to rely on each other, learn to treasure the moments. It's just....ah. 

How did I get so lucky?
I have the best family in the world and I wouldn't trade it for anything. 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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