Thursday, May 11, 2023

Grudge Holder

 Customers are so weird. Especially the Super Karens.


A little while ago. 

... Like maybe it's been a couple of weeks? I'm not sure. In any case. In the recent pass.

My Friend Manager was working when they answered a phone call where a customer was wanting to know information about....flea and tick stuff...I believe. Wanting to know pricing and such between the brands.

And while my friend was talking to this customer....they realized the customer wasn't responding and noticed that the call had 'ended' 

Unsure if the customer had hung up or if the call had friend manager went on their way doing other tasks.

Only to have that same customer call back demanding to speak to a manager.


Because my friend had "Hung up on her." and "Talked over her." and was basically "Extremely Rude."

When my friend is like the sweetest person ever. 

And this Super Karen would not hear it when my friend was like "I'm sorry, the call dropped, I did not hang up on you on purpose." 

No. Super Karen wanted to talk to a manager. To the Head Manager.

Which Head Manager wasn't in at the time. 

But. The very next day. Super Karen called. and Went...well Super Karen on the Head Manager. Complaining about my Friend Manager and how rude they were and like...would not let my Head Manager get a word in edgewise. They refused to be understanding refused to listen to Head Manager and I'm pretty sure demanded to talk to corporate at some point.

In any case.

Water under the bridge right?

Customer called. Complained. Got it all out of their system and we're good right?


Apparently Super Karen is a Supreme Grudge Holder.

As this morning. Like first thing in the morning. My friend manager was on the register as the cashier for the day.

And like 5 customers friend comes over the radio and is like "Can I get someone up here to be the cashier?" 


Because the customer wanted a different cashier.

Like all my friend had said to this customer today was "Hi, How Are You Today?"

But when I came up to take over the transaction.

This woman was like "After seeing her in person I can understand why she was the way she was over the phone."  

Which was an immediate lightbulb moment for me of: Wait. Are YOU the super Karen from the other day?! 

Like gurl.

How petty are you?

My friend had NO IDEA who you were when you refused to be helped by them. 

They had NO WAY of connecting you on the phone to you in person.

They would have NEVER KNOWN you were the same person if you had just sucked it up and let my friend help you.

But Nooooo You had to cause a scene. Demand to be helped by someone else because you saw the name tag and recognized my friend as the person who 'hung up on you' the other week. 

*shakes head*

It's stupid.

Like why? Why hold such a grudge over a simple misunderstanding?

I don't understand.

It's also *eye roll* worthy because after I was done helping the customer she was like "I'm taking my business to Petco." 

Like okay GOOD. GO AWAY. 

I don't understand why people think that's a threat.

Us workers honestly do. not. care. where you shop. Most of us will be happy to recommend other places for you to shop in order to help you find what you need if we don't have it in stock.

So saying you're not coming back? GOOD. We don't want to deal with your toxic self anyways. 


Yah. I don't understand people. Especially the Karens.

Until you next find these words:
I'll be watching the leaves. 
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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