Thursday, November 22, 2018

Thankful For--

There's a lot on my mind to be grateful for this Thanksgiving.

But the major thought that keeps running through my mind is that I'm grateful that my family were able to gather together for our 'last vacation of the year' right before Mom passed away.

It was a simple trip.
My parents had enough points left to rent out a condo up a canyon an hour away from their place.
And so they booked it to have a simple getaway. A four-day weekend to relax and spend time with each other.

Admittedly we were all unsure how many of us kids would make it up. 

But thankfully, we all were able to come up for a little while that weekend. To spend a couple of days fully together as a family.

It was a simple time. Mostly spent watching movies and playing games and just... hanging out.

We were on top of the mountains there. Literally. At the tippy top where there was already snow on the ground and I don't think the temperatures got above 30 degrees the entire time lol. 
Most of the time I think we were in the teens actually. 

Which was fine with us.
As we'd gone to hang out.
We didn't feel a need to leave the Condo.
We just were there to relax.

And I'm just grateful that we had that time together.
I'm grateful we all could come up to spend time with the parents.
To spend time with Mom.

To have such memories fresh in our minds at her unexpected passing a couple of days after we got back. 

There's no regrets among us.
No "I should have gone on that vacation." 
Because we all made it up.
We all spent time together.
We all saw Mom.

And I'll be forever thankful for that blessing in our lives. 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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