Wednesday, February 3, 2021

A New Endcap

 So for the past couple of months we have been expecting to get in our bug endcap. Where we'll have all the bugs together in one place.

Which we had most of it installed this past weekend. Which included the shelving and the little mini fridge to store the worms that need to be refrigerated in. 

But the main piece we were missing was the new cricket bin that would come in to also go on the endcap. 

It's a...two in one? Sort of bin.

As our current set up as two separate bins on either side of our fish podium. 

But the new one will be one big bin...with a divider within it to separate the large crickets from the small ones. 

It's also nice because the new cricket bin will come with a mini sliding tray where we can sweep the dead crickets down a hole and then pull the tray out and dump that tray.

So that's gonna be nice.

And this nice new bin.

Finally. Came. In. Today. 

Now we just need to install the thing onto the shelf.

Which really could be easy...except the thing needs to apparently be bolted in? Something like that.

Which one of the other managers said that they were gonna do that...but I won't know if it's actually been bolted in and put into place until tomorrow when I go into work.

But when the cricket bin is all set up and such.....

We get the 'fun' task of having to clean out the old cricket bins and then take them down. So they're not part of our fish podium anymore.

Which that's gonna be so weird to see our podium without the crickets on them anymore.

At the same time.

It's annoying. Because I. Just. Cleaned. Those. Bins. Like two weeks ago.

And I knew when I cleaned them as part of our cleaning procedure that I would have to clean them again....

So yah. Not looking forward to that. *exhales.*

We'll see how it goes though.

Until you next find these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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