Sunday, February 14, 2021

Is This A Sign?

 You ever have something happen in your life and you wonder if it's a 'sign' of something?

So yesterday I bought fish for me and Daddoo right?

Thought I was being rather clever in ensuring that he wouldn't be risking his life driving down in a snow storm and that I would be able to give him his fish in a few days once the weather cleared up along with me getting my own fish?

Seemed like an overall win win situation.

Until this afternoon.

This afternoon when I looked at one of my Daddoo's goldfish that had earlier been swimming around just find in the tank with no issues. 

And realized there was an issue.

Because this goldfish...was now missing an eye.


From what I can that maybe it happened when I was feeding my fish. And perhaps one of the larger fish got too close to the goldfish with it's mouth while trying to eat flakes and well...sucked out this goldfish's eyeball. 

I'm pretty sure it's an accident as I haven't seen my fish get aggressive to anyone. Sure, some of the smaller ones have their moments....but the bigger ones? Since my angelfish aren't a breeding pair....there's no reason for them to attack any of the fish.

Though I did have to separate out said goldfish into a smaller net breeder I had handy as the injury was fresh enough that the other fish were beginning to sense the 'blood in the water' -even though there was none- and pick on it. 

Which leaves me with quite the dilemma....

As my Daddoo is rather....particular about his goldfish. As he used to breed them when he was younger. So he wants them to have particular coloring and have a certain amount of fins and such. 

Having a one eyed goldfish? Yah. I already knew he wouldn't go for it even before texting him an update.

Which my store does have a guarantee on our fish. So I could just return the goldfish and exchange it for another. 

Which despite my misgivings about returning it and having the fish go to a customer that won't take care of it...I already know that I can't keep the fish in my big tank. Not when I had to already separate it out to keep it from being picked on.

And I don't really have the space to set up another tank just for that goldfish....

So yah...I may just end up returning it....though I am waiting a couple of days because the fish seems to be in a bit of shock...and if it doesn't recover it might pass away anyways.....We'll see.

It's just kinda depressing have this really pretty fish and then all of a's missing an eye. 


To have it happen on Valentine's Day no less. 

To have it happen when I'm alone in the house. No roomies. No family. No dates. Just me and my computer.....

It does make me wonder if it's a sign of something....though honestly I'm not sure what a goldfish loosing it's eye on Valentine's day could be a sign of....

Until you next find these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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