Friday, July 9, 2021

Achy Achy


I admit. 

I haven't really been eating the best the past few days.

Like...the heat just drains all the energy from me...including the energy to eat. 

I haven't really felt hungry. And so haven't really eaten much beyond like...slices of bread and crackers because I don't have the energy to do much more than that.

And maybe...maybe my body doesn't like that much.

Maybe it's demanding more nutrients and energy.

As for the past few legs have been aching.

Like my left leg has been aching off and on for a good two or three weeks...maybe a month now.

Which I first attributed to the irritation/infection in my big toe from toenail issues that I finally got medication for.

But like...the pain has persisted.

And today both my legs were aching.

Kinda that sore ache where there's just too much....I think it's lactic? Lactic acid build up in the muscles. Where you've walked too much and moved your muscles too much and they demand relaxation.

Or maybe my body just doesn't have enough of the right nutrients that it needs and is taking them from the muscles in my legs.

Like it's not really pain I've felt much....but yet I think I remember a similar situation happening when I was a kid, back when I was refusing to eat food--I don't know why I wasn't eating back then, but I do remember I ended up having to go to the hospital/doctor? I remember the drive and sitting in the waiting room at least and then coming back home....

But the pain seems similar to that. Not quite growing pains...but similar.

And the paranoid part of me is like "Oh no! It's blood clots! They're going to get loose and kill me!" Cus you know that's been a worry in the back of my mind since I got the second dose of the vaccine. 

The other part of me is wondering if this is just this month's 'weird symptom' that's been occurring pretty regularly this past year where some part of me 'feels wrong/in pain' right before the cramps hit. And then everything is fine afterwards. 

Or maybe it's just stress. Maybe my muscles can't relax enough and are complaining.

Maybe I just need to get new shoes. Ones with better padding....

In any case.

It was getting worrisome today at work to feel my legs aching as usually working helps the pain to go away. 

So I was like "Okay, maybe I just need to eat more than I've been eating." 

So when I got home from work today I ordered myself a pizza. (got one for my roomies as well) and some breadstick bites. And a salad.

Because I probably need to have something 'green' in my diet.

In any case.

My legs still hurt.

Probably didn't help that I tried to massage out the pain. 

Probably doesn't help that the cramps also hit tonight.

So lower half is just in pain in general.

But hopefully eating some 'real food' today will help. And thankfully I have leftovers for tomorrow. So hopefully I can increase a bit more of what I'm eating so that I can get more nutrients in my body and hopefully get my legs to stop aching.

Guess we'll see.

*fingers crossed*

Until you next find these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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