Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Dumb Callers

 I had to deal with the most...disturbing/uncomfortable phone call tonight.

Like one. It was semi-busy. So I'm running around trying to make sure everything is getting done and that no one is needing help.

And this girl calls.

And I give the standard spiel of "Thanks for calling Starsmet, my name is Sarnic, how can I help you and your pet today?" 

And the person was like "Oh hi! I have--wait you say your name is Sarnic? That's such a pretty name, I'd totally hit that."

....It took me a moment to process that.

And she was like "Oh, don't mind me I'm just horny right now, but please don't hang up on me, anyways I have a a question about my dog."

....At this point I can't quite tell if it's a prank call but the girl does sound rather high off her rocker. Like who in their right mind prank calls a store right before close? No one. Not unless they're drunk or on drugs. And I can hear a different girl laughing in the background too so it makes me think it's more of a prank though I'm trying to stay serious.

But she's like "So I have this dog that's really old, and I can't afford a vet or anything, but I want to give him a treat...a good thing...but he's not doing well and well...should I just shoot him?"

So yah. Totally a prank call because what dummy asks if shooting their dog is a good idea?

In any case. I'm like "That's not a good idea" because a) no dog deserves to be shot b) firing off guns within the city is illegal cus it could hurt someone and c) stop being an idiot. 

And the person on the phone is just playing dumb. And I'm like "I can give your number to the police if needed so they can go make sure that everything is okay."

and she and her friend just start screaming in my ear and the girl was like "Well I just shot my dog."

*rolls eyes*

Ah huh. I didn't hear any gunshots. And I ended up ending the conversation soon after that basically being "Unless you have a question involving the store that I can help you with I need to end the call now." 

But it just left a...bad taste in my mouth. 

Having to deal with that sort of situation.

I don't like people who prank call us. Especially if they try to make us believe they're being cruel to animals in the process.

But yah. Not something I want to have to deal with again.

Until you next find these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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