Saturday, July 24, 2021

Spinning Lock

 So I had the same lock on my locker at work for like....a good 6 years before it ended up breaking enough that I couldn't use it anymore. 

And so I ended up buying like...the same lock with the same color at the store to replace it sometime during the pandemic.

Like...I don't think I've had the new lock on my locker for more than like...6 months yet. (though time has seriously lost its meaning at work) 

And it's rather common for me to drop my lock onto the ground -by accident. Because I knock it off when grabbing my stuff and such.

And today...I did just that. Had my lock hanging off the side, grabbed something and the lock plummeted to the ground. 

Didn't think anything of it.

Until it was time for me to go home.

And I go to my lock and try and open my locker.

Only to have the dial on the lock....keep spinning.

Like you could feel there was no resistance whatsoever within the mechanism indicating that the combination was being unlocked.

It just kept...spinning and spinning...and not opening. *exhales*

Like wasn't a bad thing to have my locker remain well...,locked.

Because I had my phone on me and my phone is a wallet phone so I had my license and such with me so I could drive and buy things. 

Plus I've gotten in the habit of carrying a spar car key in my work pants just to make it easier for me to dart out the door and to the vet without having to grab my actual set of keys from my locker. 

So I had the ability to drive home and such. 

I purse was in my locker...but said purse didn't have anything "I need right now." in it. 

So I was like "Foo. I'll have someone get some bolt cutters and get my stuff on a different day."

So I sent my managers a general text asking for bolt cutters....

And second in command was quick to be like "Hey! I have those be right there!" 

So I just hung out for another 15 minutes until he could come in and open my locker for me.

So yay access to my purse! lol. But boo because broken lock.

Which meant another stop at the store which meant another new lock for my locker.

I chose a different color one this time. Same style. Just different color. 

Hopefully it lasts longer than this last lock did. 

Until you next find these words;
I'll be watching the leaves. 
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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