Saturday, July 27, 2013

How Did You Know?

"I don't have to tell you what to get me, you'll end up finding something that's absolutely perfect for me in the end."

Kikay told me that a couple of years ago. I laughed it off then, thinking she was crazy. I mean...that's totally setting me up for failure right there. I can't always get a gift right. Right?

Now...I'm not so sure. Her words have been on my mind a lot recently.
Because I just got back from a cruise. I ended up getting souvenir's for a few people.
A lot of the time, I had no idea what to get them. What would they like from Alaska? I took what I knew of them, and...just got them stuff.

And surprisingly....most of the gifts went over really well. Sure there were a couple where I couldn't tell if they actually liked what I got them.
But like 6/8 is a good thing.
It's just weird. How I don't know much about them, yet when I give them the gift they're like "I LOVE THIS! HOW DID YOU KNOW I LIKE THIS?!"
O.o Uh...."I saw it and thought of you?"
"How did you know I liked bears?" "Uhh....I saw it and thought of you?"
"I would have totally picked these earrings out for myself. This is great! How did you know?" "Uhh...I thought they were your type of earrings?"
"You remembered to get me a key chain! This one is absolutely fantastic! I would have picked this out myself."

The comments were a lot like that....and all I could do was really shrug, smile, and say...I saw it and thought of you. lol.

It's still weirding me out really. Surely I should have messed up on a gift? Surely?
Who knows. Maybe I've tapped into a sixth sense that just lets me see stuff and think of certain people liking it. lol. :)

Still, I'm really glad that all the gifts went over well enough. :) I love seeing the expressions on people's faces, especially when they didn't expect me to get them anything. Even though I said I would. lol. :)

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I was traveling through a desolated city. It felt like I hadn't been there in years, and everything had changed so drastically. What used to be a busy street, a airport parking lot...was now a swampy area full of docks with gangster type people waiting to rob the unwary. I was with a guy friend -who wasn't from around there- and we were trying to reach my car, where I'd last seen my car. We found it, now rusted and decrepit, but were trying to get it to start anyway, when the gangsters came. We ended up in a big...sports arena type place, on the outskirts where all the venders usually set up, trying to convince them that we weren't a threat to them. While there, I discovered in my car an old box that had some tiny mice in them. They were soaking wet, having been trapped in the damped conditions for a while, but unable to do anything. But one mouse set out to change that. He switched between being a white mouse, and a spider with a body that glowed white or a yellow orange color depending on the scene he was in. At great risk of being smashed, he triumphed a lot like Turbo the snail triumphed in the movie. Convincing the big bad human guy -who didn't like spiders- to relent and let the other mice go and live.

Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


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