Tuesday, July 2, 2013

My Random Day

Ever have those moments where you think to yourself. "Oh, why not?"

Well...I did that today.

It started with work, you know, with one of those shifts where you work twice in the space of twenty-four hours? Yah. I had a closing shift, and then a morning shift. Which meant...my feet totally hurt. But this shift was a long shift as we were having a DM visit today, and the time I had originally been scheduled to come in...wasn't a satisfactory time for Reth -she was my opening partner- as we had a lot to do before the visit. Soo...I got to come in an hour early...which meant my shift was an hour longer. And guess what? yah...I was already working an 8 hour shift. Woooo. There was a slight hope that I could leave an hour earlier...but due to the DM staying until half an hour before my shift was over, and Reth needing to go on break...it didn't happen.

What did happen was that after work I went to fill my car up with gas. Ended up at a store to try on shirts because I was trying to kill time waiting for Mirleki to get home from her work so I could drop by and grab some items Kikay forgot. I had a bit of fun just grabbing whatever I saw on the rack that had any color to it and seeing how it looked on me. I didn't get anything though. The place was a bit above my ideal price range.

Well...on my way out past the gas station I'd filled up at earlier...
I saw this guy that hadn't been there before.
Yep. One of those homeless persons holding a sign.
What got to me was all it said was 25 cents. Godbless.
O.o you're just asking for 25 cents dude? That's all? what can you get with that.
But, since he hadn't been there the first time I passed by. I had that 'Oh why not.' moment, and pulled out a dollar bill that had been in my pocket for ages, waiting to be used.
Yep. Gave it to him. My first time giving to someone holding a sign on a corner. -If you have seen Stuart Edge's videos, his latest one about giving to the homeless inspired me to give the dollar. (He was on institute council with me. So I can officially say I know a famous person lol.)

I went to the bank next.
And guess what?
the ATM
Wished me Happy Birthday!
Awww! It just gave me that special feeling you get when someone remembers its your birthday. ^^ (Before you panic, my birthday is on Friday. So you still have plenty of time to wish me a happy birthday. ;) )
And the ATM remembered! It knew my birthday was coming. Awwwwww ^^ Warm fuzzies all over.

A short adventure followed where I grabbed Kikay's stuff and Mirleki and returned to my apartment -as I now had a guinea pig!- so that I could try a cooking idea I had, but couldn't eat it all by myself.
And it worked! Woot!
What was it? Well, I got the Progresso Chicken Enchilada soup.
And some turkey slices.
Warmed up the soup.
Warmed up the turkey slices -sprinkled some season salt onto it.
Placed turkey on a plate, poured the sauce all over it.
And walla! Good food! :D lol ^^ I like it when my food ideas work.

Well, then a mad dash to get Mirleki home from our brief adventure and an institute class later.
I was extremely thirsty.
You know the type of thirsty where you just want to stand at a drinking fountain with the goal to drink it dry in mind.
Only... this cute guy happened to be walking the same way. And we got talking.
And when our paths could have divided -both paths led to the same place, only one path went past a drinking fountain and the other didn't.
He took the path without the fountain....and I went along with him.

For future reference. If a girl gives up getting the water she's been craving for the entire hour and a half period for like seven more minutes of conversation and then a 15 minute drive home before more liquid could be reached and that thirst slackened.......the guy has to be cute. :P

Then...I did something I basically almost never do.
I honked my horn. -Not at the guy.
No. Some crazy driver on my way home from work decided that crossing three lanes of traffic to swerve in front of my car like I wasn't even there...Yah. I honked. If I hadn't been paying attention, if I hadn't slowed down. Totally would have crashed!
You see I always have a delayed reaction to honking. The event is always long past before I even think "Oh I should have honked." I'm easy going like that.
But to swerve right in front of me like he didn't even see me?!
Oh. My hand was on that horn lickety split. HEY DUDE! I'M DRIVING HERE!
Totally a random impulse. And a fitting in to my random day.

So there's my random day in a nutshell.
long shift, a dollar to the poor, a happy birthday from a machine, experimental food, cute guy, and honking my horn. :)

I wonder what the next random day will bring. :)

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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