Friday, May 21, 2021

A Tank Is A Tank

 Soo...a few years ago, Mother Dearest ended up getting a 36 gallon tank from my Aunt. One that she wanted to set up with fish and such. Which she's always loved Tiger Barbs and so she ended up getting quite the school of them. She also ended up getting some glo rainbow sharks. 

I had suggested that they only get one, but I think Mother Dearest got like 3 of different colors.

In any case. As time wore on, there ended up only being one gloshark in the tank. A blue one.

Said blue one ended up getting transferred into a bigger tank that I got for my Dad....

After Mother Dearest had passed away. 

The shark did well enough in the new tank....but ended up getting aggressive to some of the smaller fish. And Daddoo didn't like that.

So he pulled the shark from the tank and stuck it in a little one gallon tank temporarily.

Surprisingly the shark has done alright in such a small space. 

I honestly don't know how long the shark had lived in said tiny hadn't really crossed my mind beyond the odd moment that dad had mentioned it.

But with Daddoo heading out for the summer to spend time with his new wife out of state....

He needed someone to take care of his fish.

The big tank is easy enough where we can just throw a vacation feeder into it and call it good for the week. 

But the shark? Not so much.

And while I had agreed to take in the shark --and some of dad's other fish that he no longer wants--I was rather surprised to be gifted with said shark when we met up for a family dinner on Sunday. 

I knew I would be taking it...I Just hadn't expected to have it show up at dinner and me to take it home. *exhales* 

And knowing the shark is aggressive...and me wanting smaller fish in my's not a good idea to add said shark to the tank. 

But I couldn't just leave said shark in it's little 1 gallon tank. It was already like 5 inches long. The tank was way too small for it.

But I already had 5 fish tanks in the house before this unexpected gift. 

Four betta tanks and my big tank.

And I've been working really hard to keep said number of tanks at 5. I don't want to overwhelm the home with tanks and I don't want to have to upkeep so many tanks in the long run.

But now I had this 6th tank...that I didn't want...and I needed a bigger space for the shark.

With the 125 gallon tank out of the next largest tank was a 2.5...but I had a betta in the tank. And while I could switch the shark to the 2.5 gallon and move the betta to the 1 gallon...that would mean i would still be at six tanks instead of five.


After stewing over it for a few days and talking to my roomie about it....

She suggested that I set up my 10 gallon quarantine tank that I got to temporary quarantine fish that got sick in my big tank. 

Mostly because a) that would give the shark more space. but also b) I finally figured out that the gouramis in my big tank were being aggressive to the other fish and I needed to separate them from my tank as well. *exhales* 

So putting the three trouble makers in a 10 gallon tank would probably be the best.

As I didn't feel good about returning the gouramis to work and having a poor unsuspecting customer get them and have them be aggressive to their fish. 

And one of my bettas ended up passing away this week as well....

So after talking it out.

I set up the 10 gallon tank for the troublemakers. And then took down the one gallon tank that the shark was in. And also took down another one gallon tank that no longer had a betta in it.

Making three smaller betta tanks, a 10 gallon tank, and then my large 125 gallon tank the only tanks in the home that are set up.

So still at 5 tanks woot!

But yah....I kinda have mixed feelings about having the 10 gallon set up.

Like it's a semi-permanent temporary tank? As I intend to only have it set up for however long the shark and the gouramis live....which could be a week...or it could be another 6 years. *exhales*

So times.

But at least I got the tank situation figured out and at least the shark is finally out of his little 1 gallon isolation tank. 

Until you next find these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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