Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Work Mode

 There's a thing about me being at work.

And that's the fact that I tend to get into "customer mode" where I expect every person -besides coworkers- I encounter at work to be a stranger needing help. 

And while I do get in my 'regulars' at work. 

I don't usually expect people I actually know outside of work to drop by and visit.

And if they do drop by, said people usually give me the heads up that they're coming. 

But when people I know outside of work drop by unannounced.

There's a high chance that I won't recognize them right away.

I mean I didn't recognize my own brother once (like 7 years ago) when he dropped by the store. Soooo yah...I can get extremely worked/customer focused and not immediately recognize that I know the person I'm talking to as someone I actually know.

I had that happen today.

Where an old manager of mine dropped by work to see who was still here and to say hi. 

And's been a while since I've seen this person. Probably over a year? Who knows. Time is weird.

But I didn't immediately recognize them because they had a beard this time and the last time I'd seen this manager they'd been clean shaven.

So like....I wasn't expecting a visit, I was well into my work shift, and I was also dealing with a migraine.

SO yah.....I was a bit slow on the draw on recognizing them and probably wouldn't have realized they were one of my old managers if they hadn't been like "What you don't remember me?! I'm hurt!" and I actually took the time to 'look' at them so I could place how I knew them


Yah. Work survival mode was on high then. But thankfully it only took me like a split second to realize just who was talking to me and that it wasn't just another customer.

SO yah.

We had a good but brief visit because of course the moment someone wants to just chitchat with me is the moment when six customers need my aid all over the store. *rolls eyes* 

Still. It was nice to see them and chat briefly.

Hopefully next time I'll be a bit quicker on the recognizing bit. ^^;; heh.

Until you next find these words;
I'll be watching the leaves. 
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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