Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Migraine Woes

 I ended up with a major migraine today.

Like a nuclear one.

One that interfered with my ability to actually at work. 

Which you know it's bad if I can't go to work. As I've worked through many a migraine. But this one? was probably triggered by stress. Because yah...constantly getting worked up early in the morning is. not. fun. 

And like I tried to head it off before going into work.

But nope. Work stress triggered it back. 

Work stress made it worse.


And I'm extremely grateful that one of my other managers ended up switching shifts with the cashier today. Because my midday manager ended up leaving an hour or so into their shift for health related reasons as well.

Which would have left me as the only manager for most of my shift.

Which would have meant that no matter how crappy I was feeling....I would have been the only manager on duty. Which meant I couldn't just leave. 


Because one of my other managers switched shifts.

It meant that they were here. In the store. Present. For like the entire evening.

Which was great because by like...idk 4pm? I was so unfunctionable.

Like the migraine had gotten to the point where I felt like throwing up any time I tried to stand up.

A sign of a nuclear migraine for sure. 

And trying to walk around, talk to and help customers, and in the store for another 5 hours in that sort of mindframe?

Yah no. Wasn't gonna happen.

I needed to go home. To rest. To sleep. To do something to try and get the migraine to go away.

Which I was reluctant to do because if I left it would mean that I was just leaving my other manager as the cashier, and my petcare person in the store.

Two people. For the closing shift? Ha. Not a good idea. Especially when we hadn't yet been hit by the dinner rush or anything.

Thankfully though, my morning opener for petcare was amazing and chose to stay a few hours over the end of their shift to help support the store.

Which allowed me to go home.

Where I took a shower, put in a movie, and crashed for like 2 hours. 

And by the time the movie ended...I was feeling much better. I mean...I still wasn't 100% because the migraine was still present, but at least it was more manageable. I could function through it at least.

And I knew that the last couple of hours of us being open could get rather crazy.

And not knowing how long my morning petcare person was planning to stay....

I chose to head back into work to help support during the last little bit that the store was open.

Thankfully it wasn't too crazy. Surprisingly I managed to time it well enough that I got back to work only like half an hour after my morning worker had left for the day.

Meaning my manager/cashier and petcare person were only by themselves for like maybe half an hour in the store.

Which was good. That we were able to have the coverage and such.

And I managed to help out wherever I could.

Though by the time the store closed my migraine had begun to get stronger again. So I was more than grateful to finally head home and crash.

But yah.

Yah for things working out so that I could go home.

Because I don't know if I would have survived otherwise. 

Until you next find these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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