Friday, May 13, 2016

A Third Party

The hard thing about Betta fish....
Is the fact that you can't have more than one in a tank at the same time. :(

As they can be rather aggressive to each other.

So you can't put a whole group of them in one tank.
Which is depressing.
As they come in so many different cool pretty colors.
That it would be amazing to just have one tank of them. have to keep them separated.

Which makes it difficult to get a ton of bettas...
As you have to find a tank spot for each one. lol.

I already had two bettas at home in their tanks.
When I texted my roommates asking if they would kill me if I brought home a third betta.
-Which would mean a third tank.

You see....I've managed to resist for a long while of getting any more bettas.
Because again. Space.
I already had two bettas and I wanted to call that good.

But there was this one betta that kept calling to me.
Usually I can resist this call to purchase.
Mostly because the bettas sell pretty quickly at work.
So I don't need to worry about growing attached for long.

But this particular betta....
had been in the store for like 10 days or so.
Which is long for a betta fish.

I mean, I'd shown him to multiple friends and family as they'd come into the store.
but none of them were into purchasing him.

With the permission of my roommates. (which I got)
I finally purchased him!!

He's a bit camera shy. But oh so pretty! ^^ lol.
I called him Mosaic aka Mosey. ^^

He's so pretty.

I literally spent like an hour watching him swim around.

It also gave me motivation to clean out my other betta tanks. they were green and black from algae growth as my snails....once again didn't make it. *Sighs*
I need to also work on not keeping the lights on so much....

So now all three tanks are sparkling and clean. :)

So yah. ^^ I'm excited for a third betta fish. lol.
though the roomies said if I got anymore I would need to have an intervention. lol.
It's okay, I'm not planning on any more betta fish.
Not planning on any more fish for a while actually....not until I get my big fish tank. :)

For now. I'm happy. ^^

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves. (and my bettas)
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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