Sunday, October 2, 2022

192nd SemiAnnual General Conference -Sunday Highlights

 Sunday Morning

Jeffrey R. Holland

  • We are not a generalized Christianity. We are a restored church. THE restored Church.
  • The Lives of our People must be the Symbol of our Faith.
  • To follow Christ, one must sometimes carry a burden, yours or someone else, and go where trials are inevitable. 
  • You can't follow Christ only in those matters in which you agree. No. Follow Him Everywhere. 
  • There is a cost to discipleship. 
  • How much is an offering really worth to you to give to Christ if it cost you nothing? 

J. Anette Dennis

  • Your behavior is sometimes due to your pain and hurt, not due to your lack of desire or love. 
  • If we fully understood the circumstances of others, we would act with compassion to help instead of adding further to their burdens through shallow judgements. 
  • If we act to help one another then we can lift each other's burdens from both sides.
  • Nothing you do makes much of a difference if you do not have charity.
  • We are commanded to love others. Not to judge them. 
  • We all have hidden sorrows. Let's not place more burden upon others by assuming that they are fine. 
  • When we empathize with others it can help them feel that they are not alone in their struggles. 
  • There is such power in Unity. We need to walk arm in arm with each other. 
  • If friends and family step away from the Church, Continue to LOVE them. Do not criticize their choices when we don't fully understand why they chose to leave just like they may not understand why you choose to stay.

Gerrit W. Gong

  • Happy and Forever are not the imaginary stuff of fairy tales. True enduring happiness is possible in Christ. 
  • In the midst of happiness, love, and joy, you'll also have sadness, pain, and trials. Relationships and life are nuanced like that. 
  • Christ can heal families even when they've experienced intergenerational conflict.
  • He gives us peace in our past and hope for our future.
  • Get up and go back to the Temple. 
  • The temple is a place of healing.
  • It makes all the difference to know who your family is.
  • A bent branch does not mean a bad tree. How we come into this world is less important than who we are when we leave it. 
  • We cannot knowingly sin on Saturday and expect automatic forgiveness and partaking of the sacrament on Sunday.
  • Sometimes our willingness to forgive someone else can enable them and us that we can repent and we can be forgiven. 
  • We can know when to hold on and when to let go through Christ. 
  • We can surrender our pride, hurts, and sins, to God and he will help us become more whole as we trust him to make our relationships whole. 
  • Focus less on ourselves. Judge less. Forgive more. 
  • Happy and Forever does not mean that EVERY relationship will be Happy and Forever. 

Joseph W. Sitati

  • Whenever we care to notice, we see that Heavenly Father has given us witnesses of truth to govern our lives so he will know him and we will have blessings of peace and joy.
  • God lives. And he manifests Himself to us all the time, in multiple ways. 
  • To acknowledge, believe and hope in God our hearts must be open to the Spirit of Truth. 
  • Humility inclines the heart to seek repentance and obedience. 
  • When we focus our best efforts on doing good to others, we are enabled to discover our own true divine worth. 
  • What we do at home is the crucible of enduring and joyful discipleship. 

Steven J. Lund

  • I just want to feel the spirit in my life. I just want to live like this. 
  • We live in a spiritual corosive environment where if we aren't careful, can etch and erode our spiritual happiness, conviction, and devotion. 
  • Come together. Engage together. Sing together. Praise together. Find peace in Christ.
  • It's one thing to hear Him in the peace and quiet of our homes, and quite another to keep our discipleship out in public where everyone can see and hear. 
  • The stalwart youth of zion are voyaging through troublesome times. Finding joy in the world without being part of said world is their particular charge. 
  • You don't have to wear the badge to bear His name. 
  • Come as you are. Shine bright in the darkness. Be a light unto others. 
  • Your discipleship shouldn't just be a slogan on a T-Shirt. It should be a part of your life.

David A. Bednar

  • An individual must exercise agency, and actively ask, seek, and knock, in order to discover the truths embedded in a parable. 
  • For many are called, but few are chosen.
  • To be or become chosen, is not an exclusive status confirred upon us. You and I ultimately can choose to be chosen through our agency.  
  • God does not have a list of favorites. He does not limit the chosen to a restricted few. Instead our hearts and our desires, our obedience to commandments, and the Savior's grace and mercy, determine whether we are chosen. 
  • Our short term preoccupation with the things of the world may lead us to forfeit our spiritual birthright.
  • Consider. Your. Ways. 
  • Zion must rise and put on her beautiful garments. 

Russell M. Nelson

  • Spring into action whenever you see others in need.
  • Experiencing the Lord's love is vital as we are accosted daily with an onslaught of sobering news.
  • So many wonderful things are ahead. In the coming days we'll see the greatest manifestations of God's power that the world has ever seen. 
  • Making and keeping covenants actually makes life easier because they have increased access to the power of Christ.
  • Because Christ overcame the world, and because he Atoned for each of us, You Too can overcome this sin saturated, self centered, and exhausting world. 
  • The Savior has redeemed us from weaknesses and sin. 
  • You can overcome the spiritual and emotional plagues of the world.
  • You can find true rest, even amid your most vexing problems. 
  • Are you willing to give away your favorite sins?
  • Overcoming the world doesn't mean becoming perfect in your life. 
  • Overcoming the world means your resistance to sin will increase. 
  • Overcoming the world is not an event that happens over a day or two. It happens over a lifetime as we repeatedly embrace the doctrine of Christ. 
  • Cultivate your Faith. 
  • The Savior lifts us beyond the pull of this fallen world by blessing us with charity, humility, generosity, kindness, self discipline, peace, and rest. 
  • While the world insists that power, possessions, popuplarity, and pleasures of the flesh bring happiness. They do not. They can not. They produce nothing but a hollow substitute to those who keep the commandments of God. 
  • It is much more exhausting to seek happiness where you can never find it. 
  • Take charge of your own testimony. Work for it. Nurture it so it will grow. Feed it truth. Don't pollute it with false philosophies of men and women. 
  • Your highest priority. Watch for Miracles to Happen in your Life.
  • Find rest from the intensity, uncertainty, and anguish of this world, by overcoming the world through your covenants with God. 
  • Let God prevail in your life. You will feel greater peace and confidence in your life and find rest. 
  • Because Christ overcame this world. You. Can. Too.

Sunday Afternoon

Henry B. Eyring

  • Wherever you are on the covenant path, you'll find trials, but don't allow it to stop your progress.
  • Of course it's hard. It's supposed to be. Life is a test. 
  • Regardless of the Struggle, what would matter most would be to arrive at Home with Heavenly Father. You can do this through Faith in the Savior. 
  • Keep your eyes on the prize you want. 
  • Meekness is evidence of the strength of your faith. 
  • You cannot have faith and hope save you be meek and lowly of heart.
  • Cleave unto Charity for all things must fail but Charity is the pure love of Christ and it endures for forever.  
  • Ordinary human beings can take all the wonderful ideals in their lives and use it to rise above the storms in our lives. 

Ryan K. Olsen

  • Don't worry.  You belong. 
  • The answer to the simplest questions and the most complex problems is always the same. The answer is always Jesus Christ. Every solution is found in him.
  • The Savior will help us not only when we're serving but Always, if we let him.
  • If it applies to your friends, it can also apply to you.
  • If we feel like the solution is too complex just remember that the Savior is the master of simplicity. 
  • Christ teaches with such stunning plainness that we cannot misunderstand him.
  • The answer is simple. It is always Jesus.

Jonathan S. Schmitt

  • A person's name is, to that person, the sweetest and most important sound in their own language. 
  • Jesus knows each of us by name. He doesn't mix us up. 
  • 5 Names and Titles that apply to us. 1. The Good Shepherd 2. High Priest of Good Things to Come 3. He Is the Same Yesterday, Today, and Forever 4. The Holy One of Israel 5. He is Faithful and True
  • Christ wants us to be good shepherds. Particularly in our families. 
  • There is a great need for us to practice positivity, optimism, and hope. 
  • Consistency is a Christlike attribute.
  • Make Time for the Lord. Great spiritual strength comes from small and simple things. 
  • Time in the Temple will increase holiness in our lives.
  • Don't Ever give up on Jesus. He will Never give up on you.

Mark D. Eddy

  • Does your soul ache for illumination? Please try the virtue of the Word of God. 
  • In all our efforts, let us remember, to try the virtue of the Word of God which is in us. 
  • Are you seeking to cut through all the cunning, snares, and wiles of the devil present in the world today? Please try the virtue of the Word of God.
  • There is virtue in the words of ancient and modern prophets because their words are the Lord's words. Accepting this truth is critical to your survival in the Latter-Days. 
  • We must drink deeply and often directly from the Source. 

Gary E. Stevenson

  • Defining moments of life come unexpectedly and even when you're still young.
  • Don't be embarrassed. Be proud of your religion. 
  • 1. God is your Heavenly Father. You are his Child. 2. Christ Lives. 3. Jospeh Smith is a Prophet of God 4. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Sants is God's restored church on the earth. 5. The restored church of Christ is led by a living prophet today.
  • Your testimony in Christ isn't just what you say but who you are.
  • When you use Social Media, use it to show how the Gospel of Jesus Christ shapes your life. 
  • Sometimes testimonies are better gained on the feet bearing them rather than the knees praying for them. 
  • To retain our testimony we need to partake of the sacrament each week.
  • Feed your Testimony Truth. 

Isaac K. Morrison

  • In the middle of life's challenges there can be the golden opportunity to grow.
  • 1. Listen to and Heed the promptings of your Spouse. 2. If you are not sure, for any reason, refer to rule number 1. 
  • Our bitterness serves its purpose as we exercise faith in the Lord. 
  • We can feel joy regardless of what is or is not happening in our lives. Joy comes from and because of Him.
  • Some of our best lessons are learned during the hardest times in our lives. Times that took us out of our comfort zone. 
  • The Lord always compensates for our righteous desires. 

Quentin L. Cook

  • To meet the difficulties that are coming, you will need to have a knowledge of the truth of this work for yourselves.
  • You can't endure on borrowed light. You must be guided by your own personal light. 
  • Are you valiant in your testimony of Christ?
  • Those who put their trust in God, shall be supported in their trials, troubles, and afflictions and shall be lifted up in the last day. 
  • When spirit speaks to spirit the imprint on the soul is more difficult to erase. 
  • Please make up your mind, regardless of what your parents did or did not do to you, that you will never emotionally, physically, or mentally abuse your spouse or children. 
  • Daily repentance is integral to our lives. Repentance is not an event, it's a process.
  • Healing is available to all because of the Savior's Atonement.

Russell M. Nelson

  • Our Heavenly Father and his Son Jesus Christ stand ready to help you. Seek their help.
  • Let us never lose sight of what the Lord is doing for us now. 
  • Increased time in the temple can bless your lives. 

To read/watch/listen to these talks in their entiritey please visit:

Until you next find these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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