Sunday, October 15, 2017

Picking Up the Slack

I've probably said it before.
And I'll probably say it again.
But I don't like group work.
I prefer to work with myself because I know what I can and can't do. 
Working in means that you have to rely on others, depend on others to get their part done.
And many doesn't work out. Things fall apart, things don't happen. 

So being on a committee.....
Yah, not my favorite thing.
I don't like meetings, I don't like planning. I don't like the dithering that happens as the group tries to decide on a point of focus. 

In any case.
During the committee meeting, we were talking about doing this birthday celebratory thing.
Where we'd meet up once each month and celebrate people's birthdays in the ward. 

Which, truth be told...wasn't quite fond of this idea.
Because people move in and out of the neighborhood all the time. It's nearly impossible to keep track of who is still in the ward and who's left. 
Plus...there are already other groups that are already doing birthday celebratory shoutout thingies.
So adding one more to the mix...not so much what I wanted to do.

Still, the group wanted to do it.
Wanted to try and do a birthday get together thingy. 

So the idea was once a month to hold a celebration. A party. Bring treats to a location. 

Tonight was one of those days. 
Where we were to team up with our Ward Prayer group and bring the treats to it, so that people with birthdays in October would come to ward prayer and then celebrate the birthday thing.

I'd talked with that committee (since I used to be on it.) Agreed on a date. And two of my committee volunteered to make the treats. 

So Friday. 
I texted my group. 
To make sure we were still on for treats and such.

The people who volunteered to bring/make treats...suddenly couldn't make it.
Which meant. I was asked to pick up the slack. Grab the treats.

lol. They wanted me to bake a cake.
....Yah, Never made a cake myself. No way I was doing that.
I just dropped by the store after work and grabbed some cookies and cupcakes. 
*shakes head*

That was exactly why I had texted the group a couple of days ago.
To give myself time to come up with another plan if it wasn't going to work out.
Instead of finding out last second and having to scramble for a viable fall back.

Yay me for thinking ahead. 
As I was able to drop by the store after work and grab some treats -cookies and cupcakes- 

And bring them to the thing tonight. 

Which in of itself has its own stress.
I don't like social situations when I don't know what to prepare for. 
Ward Prayer could have four people or it could have forty.
It could last 15 minutes or two hours.

The unknown variables are stressful to me.
So being put in charge of bringing treats to it.
Definitely stressful. 

I always think it's going to be worse than it usually is.
So tonight went off well.
Not a ton of people.
Not a lot of stress. 
Actually talked to people without it being awkward. So yay for positive social interaction.
Maybe it will convince me to come out and go to these ward things more often. ;) lol. Maybe. 

At least the treats got eaten. 
I talked to people.
Not a big deal.

*exhales* Yay for that stressor being less stressful. 
Yay for positive situations. ^^;; 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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