Thursday, October 5, 2017

A Spot of Rain

The father of my friend Vaiba Rome, Papua New Guinea's first stake president, was also taught that he could turn to his Father in Heaven in times of need.
He and his fellow villagers could only survive through the crops they grew.
One day he lit a fire to clear his portion of the village farmland for planting.
However, the fire had been preceded by a long hot period, and the vegetation was very dry.
So his fire became of the President Thomas S. Monson variety, as our prophet himself described at the last general conference.
It began to spread to the grassland and bushes, and in the words of his son, "a big monster of fire" resulted.
He feared for his fellow villagers and the possible loss of their crops.
If they were destroyed, he would be subject to village justice.
Being unable to extinguish the fire, he then remembered the Lord.

I now quote from his son, my friend: "He knelt on the hill in the bushes and started to pray to Heavenly Father to stop the fire.
Suddenly there appeared a big black cloud above where he was praying, and it rained so hard--but only where the fire was burning.
When he looked around, there was clear sky everywhere except where the flames burned.
He couldn't believe the Lord would answer a simple man like him, and he again knelt down and cried like a child.
He said it was the sweetest feeling."

-Terence M. Vinson -Drawing Closer to God -October 2013 General Conference

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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