Wednesday, February 7, 2018

I'm Awake Now

So there I was, minding my own business.
Napping on the couch in the living room.
Cus I do that on occasion.
And like, I was all snuggled up comfy like, having pulled the blanket off the back of the couch to curl up under. 
And like...I'd just woken up, had pulled up my laptop to scroll through the internet. 
When I see movement from the corner of my eye. 
I look up.
And there on the back of the couch, nearly above my head IS THIS GIANT SPIDER!!

Okay, so it was probably nickel sized Maybe even Quarter sized.
Which for Spiders is LARGE. 
And it was big and grey and moving and AHHHH

Needless to say I was off that couch in the blink of an eye. Thankfully my laptop stayed on the couch, though my phone took a bit of a flying tumble.

And the spider like...freaked out.
And darted across the back of the couch and down....disappearing into the crack between cushion and back of the couch. Vanishing into the void like it had never been.

And honestly...I wasn't sure it had been there in the first place.
Like it had happened so quickly. 
Did I imagine it?
Or was the spider there?
Hiding in the couch cushions now? 

I hesitantly pulled away the pillow the spider had vanished behind.
To not see it there.
Confirming that if it was had vanished into the crack. 

And no way was I going to try and move the cushions out of the way to try and find the spider.
It was vanished.
Who knew where it went.
I moved to the other couch we have in the same room.

Where I recommenced my laptop surfing....
Until my laptop gave me the notification. 
My battery was low. 
So I needed to go grab my power cord.

The problem?
The outlet to plug the cord into....
was BEHIND the couch where the spider had vanished into the gap between the cushions. :S 

And normally to reach the outlet I just kneel on the couch and reach down behind the couch to the outlet there.

But no, there was a spider somewhere among those cushions. 
No way was I risking myself like that. 

So I did the next best thing.
I slid/pulled the couch out of the way to reach the outlet.
And successfully plugged in my power cord without any sign of the spider emerging from it's cushiony depths. 

However, I needed to move the couch back into its spot.

And that's when it appeared.
Rising out of the depths of the cushions like an angry leviathan disturbed from it's slumber the Giant Spider emerged!!! 
It stood there on the back of the couch, all proud and angry like. 
And I was like. ()_() AHHHHHH

But me. Being me. 
I'm like. Well. You're out!
Let's see if I can get you out before you disappear again. 
So I grabbed a jar and placed it over the spider.
And successfully captured the creepy creature. 

Who then got a nice walk to the front door.
And a great view of the bushes and sidewalk as I tossed it out of the jar. 
(Wonder how the spider felt to briefly fly...) 

Banishing the creature to the outdoors.
Where it hopefully will remain. 

Cus I don't like spiders that disturb me in my relaxed state.

*shakes head*
Gotta say that was quite the way to get myself fully awake though lol. 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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