Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Come Out Come Out

Neon Tetras are annoying. 

Because they hide all the time!!
Like. I put you in my tank so I could see you schooling. 
But are you schooling where I can see you?


I suppose that is the downside to putting a lot of decorations in my tank.
It gives my fishies more places to hide. 

And considering I have two breeding pairs of angelfish that like to chase other fish away from their egg laying locations...
It makes sense that a lot of the smaller fish will hide away from them. 

I was hoping with the redecoration of my tank.
And adding in like 20 more neon tetras.
I would at least see them schooling around the tank more.

Because really, when they do come out their blue and red coloration is Sooo pretty and vibrant and I love to see it!!

But currently, they only seem to venture out of their hiding places when I feed them. 
Otherwise they lurk i the shadows and hide behind the decorations in the back of the tank. 

Which foo. 
At least I have some rasboras and danios to provide a bit more smaller movement to my tank.
I just wish there was a bit of that blue color swimming around more too. 

*fingers crossed* that the Neons will decide to be more social....soon. 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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