Saturday, February 3, 2018

It Shouldn't Be There

So. I live in a desert.
Ask me where I live I will probably answer that most of the time.
I mean sure. There are mountains. There are lakes. 
But's a desert. I live in the desert. 
Just like a...lesser desert? 
*shakes head*

Okay. Whatever, I'm over thinking this.

But needless to say.
I live in a place where I don't usually expect to see fish outside of a fishtank.'s like...a desert here.
There are mountains and streams and rivers and lakes and I know this.
Like I know this!
I have family that loves to go fishing and neighbors that love to go fishing.
so I know this!

but those places are like...far away.
Not here.
Not in the middle of town.

So you can imagine my confusion today.
When I was driving home from work.

And I stopped at a red light at an intersection.
And saw movement in the middle of the road.
That movement.

A Fish.


Because like I said.
This was PAVEMENT. 
Sure there was grass on either side of the road.
but Water?
I thought the closest source of water was the lake like 6 miles away. 
Or you know....the series of another six miles away at the local park.

In any case.
There was a fish in the middle of the road!!



Honestly, my first thought was like....
Was there a fisherman nearby in his truck and somehow the fish jumped out of his cool box and onto the road when he was making a turn?
Did an eagle catch it and drop it there?
DID IT FALL FROM THE SKY out of some sort of portal?!!

In any case I was like. 
I gotta save this thing!

Luckily I had the sense of self preservation to not get out of my car right then. Because um...middle of the road. Red light about to turn green.

But luckily there was a parking lot nearby.
So I zoomed into it. Parked like a crazy person. 
(okay so I parked normally within the lines and such) 
And darted over to the street.
Which luckily I hit the intersection when the red lights were in my favor. 
So I ran out to the middle of the road. 

And the fish....
Well it looked dead.
Mouth gaping wide.
Body stiff.

But I knew from experience at work.
And having seeing the fish still alive like a minute before.
That sometimes fish will revive even though they appear to be dead if you put them back in the water.

And as I was rushing to grab the fish.
I happened to notice that there was actually a source of water nearby!
Like some sort of stream or something.
Which yah...makes sense cus lakes gotta fill up with water somehow.
And the place I stopped at was like the edge of a golf course...
And those places have water too. 

So I picked up the fish.
and carried it to this water source.
Where there were two boys fishing.

-And they probably thought it was pretty weird to see a girl coming up out of the blue towards them to the lake. 

And tossed the fish into the water.

Did it live?
I don't know. Y_Y;;;;
It vanished from my sight.
Which could mean that a) it sunk down to the bottom where I couldn't see it. -Though I looked.
Or b) it revived instantly and swam away out of sight.

I'm really hoping it was B.
I watched for a moment. Trying to tell.
Aware of the two boys giving me side looks like "What did this girl just throw into the water?" "Why did she just come up to stare at the water?" something like that.

And I couldn't see the fish.
Sooo I hope it lived.
But I didn't want to stand there like a weirdo all day so I went back to my car. 
Leaving the two boys behind.

beyond *crossing my fingers* that the fish actually lived.

I have to wonder if the two boys were involved in the fish ending up in the middle of the intersection.

Like had they caught it and put it in a box and it like...flopped out and twenty feet away?
Did they throw it into the middle of the intersection? (But why?) 
Or did one of the boys catch the fish, but pulled his line out of the water so fast that the fish got unhooked from the line and went sailing over their heads and into the intersection?

The world may never know.

But I know this.
Definitely a weird sight to see a fish flopping where no fish should be flopping. 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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