Thursday, January 28, 2021

A New Combination

 So it's been a good...six or seven years since I last needed to buy a lock for my locker at work.

My first lock having bitten the dust like a year or so into my job when I accidentally locked the keys to unlock the my locker and we had to cut the lock off so I could get into my locker.

Which lead me to buying a combination lock instead. That way I couldn't accidentally lock any keys in my locker and not access them lol.

And it's been a good lock to me.

Though for the past...probably two years now? It's gotten more crotchety and stubborn. 

Where some parts of the year seemed to affect it's gears more than others and when I'd do my combination I would often have to shake and tug and pull at my lock in order to get to open. 


It was usable. Despite my thoughts over the past couple years that I should go buy a new lock. It still worked. And as long as it worked I could handle the quirks my lock now had.

Until Tuesday.

Where the little dial thing to spin the combination...stopped working.

It got stuck really. And it probably could be fixed and I think I got it to work again once during the day...but got stuck again.

Which thankfully it got stuck in place where it allowed me to just tug at it in my usual fashion so that I could open my locker.

But it felt like a ticking time bomb. Like what if it gets stuck on a different number and I can't spin the dial to get the right combination and then all my stuff is (once again) stuck in my locker with a lock that won't open holding it hostage?

So yesterday, on my day off, I ventured out to the store to a) buy some much needed food and b) find myself a new combination lock. 

And it's been so weird, having a brand new lock on my locker today.

It works so easily. It opens so smoothly. It's throwing me off at how less of a hassle it's become to get into my locker. 

Though I am loving it. XD lol besides the fact that I keep accidentally doing the old combination for my old lock on it. 

It will probably only take another week or so before the new locker combination is ingrained into my muscle memory. 

But yah. After like 7 years. I finally have a new lock. So woot!

Until you next find these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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