Friday, January 29, 2021

Wear It Already

 I don't know what it was about today. Like maybe an after effect of the full moon or something. 

But there were a ton of people coming into the store without their masks on. 

Like. Normally in an eight hour shift we have around a dozen or so people come in without their masks and then we have to tell them to wear one. 

But today. Like within an hour and a halfish? We a had at least twenty people walk in without masks in.

Like...just because the year is 2021 and no longer 2020 doesn't mean that suddenly the pandemic isn't a thing anymore.

It's just gotten so old. So. Old. To have people, a year later, still not wearing masks.

Like I get getting distracted and forgetting to put it on...but at the same's been a year. Can you really forget after having to have to wear masks for so long? 

I suppose it's possible if people don't go out that often....

And like. I understand how at the beginning of the pandemic, when the virus was still new the reluctance to wear masks.

Like...I didn't actively start wearing masks until work provided me some to wear. 
And I was like "Oh, well if work is wanting us to wear masks then I'm gonna wear the mask." because then it seemed more real. If corporate was taking it seriously and taken the time (albeit slightly delayed) to give all their workers mask. There must be a good reason.

But it's been a year. 

How can people still blatantly ignore our "MASKS REQUIRED" signs. How can people still be so anti-mask that they're willing to pick fights with retail workers about policies?

I don't know.

And to have so many people in such a short period of time coming into the store without masks today....

It was irksome. Tiresome. Exhausting. 

None of us like having to approach people to ask them to wear a mask. Especially because we have no idea if the person simply 'forgot' or if they're gonna start yelling at us about 'their rights'

After a year.

It's sooo exhausting. Like you should know by now. You should care by now. It's been a year.

And retail workers are tired of having to deal with all the negativity and crappy customers who have revealed themselves in the middle of this pandemic.

So done with it all.

In different news. We had a third party come into the store today to finally install our Live Bug endcap!

Which is an endcap that's gonna replace our cricket podium (once the new cricket bins show up as that's the only part that hasn't yet arrived in the store) and it's kinda nice to have that set up and to have all our bugs in one location.

Especially because we now have a mini fridge on the endcap! Which means that we can place our various types of worms that need to be kept cool onto the floor.

And instead of having to constantly go behind the fish wall to grab these worms for customers, we can now direct them to the end cap and the customers can grab their own bugs. Woot!!

The slight downside is that the fridge is...well a mini fridge. 
Which means it only holds a limited quantity of the worms at a time.

So now we need to work to keep an eye on the product inside the fridge and make sure that it's constantly stocked for customers.

Plus...we're gonna be spending the next year or two or forever telling customers that the mealworms and such that they're looking for can now be grabbed from that endcap. 

Still. It's nice to have that finally set up. 

Until you next find these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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