Monday, January 10, 2022

Coming Closer

I need a vacation.

If anything at least 3 days off of work where I can just hermit at home and chill and relax and not have to go from feeling fine to feeling anxious/stressed/paranoid within the course of an 8 hour work shift.

It's getting annoying honestly.

Feeling the wolves drawing in closer.

Feeling the flames growing smaller. 

My state had over 24,000 cases of Covid reported over the weekend. A good 12,000 each day if the weekend includes just Saturday and Sunday....though it probably includes Friday as well. So 3 days....7,000 cases at least....It's....stressful.

Stressful how 2022 really does feel like we've gone full circle and we're back at 2020 part 2. 

Though it seems to be a bit...more ramped up.

Like every day there's more people falling sick. More people I know who have caught the virus. More people affected by everything.

And yet it seems like there's this. That people are treating it more like an obnoxious cold and aren't taking the precautions needed to protect themselves and others.

It's hard to remain relaxed when you have customers wandering around you sniffling and sneezing and coughing and not wearing their masks.

And you're just wondering....will I be next?

Will I be catching it? Have I already caught it? Do I have it now?

It's not a fun feeling.

It's hard to keep from stressing.

Especially when every turn seems to be met with "Oh this person has tested positive and this other person has tested positive and this Other other person has tested positive!"

And the circle is quickly going from People you barely know to people you are related to people you know to people you know to friends and family.

The wolves are circling.

They're drawing in close.

And I have to it only a matter of time? Or can I avoid it? Maybe I've already had it and not realized....

Who knows.

Who knows indeed.


I just wish I could just....get away from it all. Hermit. Spend a week at home not going anywhere not meeting anyone not having to deal with customers 8 hours a day who may or may not be the trigger that will finally get me sick.


Hermiting sounds nice right now.

But with how badly covid is sweeping through the state at this feels wrong to step away while I'm healthy. To leave others to flounder when I could help keep us going.

It's a tough choice.....between trying to help yourself....and help others.


I hope the surge of cases stops soon....

But really...only time will tell.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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