Tuesday, September 12, 2017

A Reward

It's always a bit disconcerting to walk into the store first thing in the morning. Especially on a Monday morning...after you've been away from work for the entire weekend....to have the manager come up to you and be like "Hey! I got something to tell you!"

Unfortunately my first thought will almost always be "Uh oh, what wrong now?" 
Lol Because that's how it is basically every time I don't go into work for a couple of days or longer. 
Something usually goes wrong somewhere and when I get back I'm kinda the one expected to figure out how to make sure the problem is no longer a problem. 

Which yah, there was a slight problem in that the manager over me had neglected to receive in some paperwork over the weekend and so our inventory was showing certain animals that we sell in the negatives. So that involved me needing to track down the invoices so we could receive in the shipments and get the numbers accurate again.

The first thing the manager wanted to tell me was....

That I got Employee of the Month!! :D 

It's definitely a positive way to start out the work week lol. That's for sure. ^^ 

Especially because...despite what a lot of people may think.
I actually don't get Employee of the Month that often. 

In the Five Years I've worked at Starsmet...this is only my third time getting employee of the month.

Which boggles some people's minds.
As really I should probably be the employee of the month at least once a year lol. 
*shakes head*
Truthfully I agree.
But it seems to be an every other year sort of thing. :) 

;) Gotta give all the other employees a chance to feel amazing too you know. XD lol. 

So yay!
I got Employee of the Month!
It feels really good actually. 
To feel like my hard work is being appreciated. ^^ 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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