Wednesday, September 6, 2017

My Work Anniversary

It's been five years.
It's so weird to think about.

But Five years ago today.
I started my job at the Pet Store.

A job that when I was first hired into, I only expected to be there for maybe six months. At most a year.

Five years ago, I was shyer, quieter, more apprehensive about approaching people and talking to them about stuff in the store, helping them find and purchase animals and the products they would need. I was a mouse really lol. Very not wanting to draw attention to myself. 

And now...It's all so different.
I'm more confident, more friendly, more 'in charge.' lol. 

Seriously, having this Pet Store job has been one of the best things ever to happen to me.
Because I've been able to grow so much in the job.
Become more of myself. More confident. 

And it's amazing. 
Amazing to have a job that I love so dearly.
Where I have enough consistency in my work day that I don't get stressed out, but to have enough differences (different tasks, different customers,) that I don't get bored with being there.
Everyday is a new adventure.

And I honestly love it. 
Love it so much.
To be able to play with the animals, to be able to help people.

It's a job I never expected to enjoy so much. 

I am so grateful that the managers decided to take a chance on me.
A shy girl. With no previous work experience. Who could only say "I've had all these animals as pets growing up." and that I was a dedicated, hard worker, willing to learn and willing to try. 

Honestly, I have no idea why they decided to hire me then. lol. 
I can't really ask since all those managers are now gone.
But I have to say I'm grateful that they were willing to take a chance on me. That they were willing to bring me on, and allow me to grow.

I love my job. 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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