Sunday, September 24, 2017

Things I Do

Do you ever have things pointed out to you where it kinda takes you aback?'ve never thought of that before? Or if you's just been a passing thought that you didn't really think about long?

I had that today.
A couple of times.

Where it was brought up that people don't usually get mad at me. That I don't have a face/personality that makes it easy for people to get angry at me. But also because I can be understanding of other people's sides, I can see their side and sometimes agree with it or help them see a different side. 
*shakes head* 

Which, I hadn't really thought about. took me aback. 
Have I had people get angry at me? Do people get angry at me? 

I'm not sure....I mean...probably? 
But I'm not sure. 

Are there people who when they see me, get angry? Are there people who think of me and think of me in an angry fashion? 
I really don't know.

As I try really hard to keep good relations with everyone I meet. 
I have enough stress in my life that I don't need to add more to it by having bad relations with people.

So hopefully...I don't have anyone who's angry at me... but honestly...I don't know for sure. :S

On the opposite note.
I had it also pointed out to me that I'm really good at sensing when people need things.
Which isn't that new to me. I tend to be instinctual, empathetic, observant etc. I tend to know how people are feeling and such. And I'm the sort of personality that wants to help out where I can. Ease others burdens, try and make their day brighter.
And my newest roommate and her boyfriend have noticed that. And appreciate it. That I can instinctually jump in and help out without them having to say anything. They're actually really impressed that I'm able to just...kinda become what people need in that moment. 

lol which I guess it's just surprising to have it pointed out? Because it's just something I do.
I see a problem, I try to help out. I try to think of a solution. And other's not conscious. Sometimes I just strike up conversations and things go from there. Where I just let people vent and talk out their issues. It's I guess lol. 
Where I try to help out where I can.

But yah.
It's just interesting to have things pointed out to me, because...I don't always know how to react to it. 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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