Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Something Happened Here

It's crazy how things can just....go wrong. lol.

I came into work this morning and was confronted with quite the odd sight....

In that over half my department had water stain marks on the floors.
Along with three spots that had large puddles of standing water on the floor still. 


Which meant that somehow...my coworkers last night had managed to flood my department.

But it was like...the worse flooding I'd seen. 

Because it's not unusual for us to flood the department.
We're constantly using water -specifically a gravel vacuum hooked to our sink behind our fish tanks so that we can clean said fish tanks, and if the sink gets clogged without us realizing....it ends up overflowing and seeping out to the main part of the store if we don't catch it soon enough.

But usually we manage to avoid it getting more than a couple of feet past the fish tanks before we realize...hey there's a problem.

So most often it's just the back behind our fish wall that's totally drenched with wet floors and such. 
And it's easy to clean up as we just sweep the water into a drain nearby and call it good.

Whatever happened last night was....bad. 

Like...my department is only like 6 aisles? 
And the water had reached up to the 5th aisle. 
And in the aisles closest to the fish wall....it had flowed 3 quarters of the way down the aisle, nearly reaching the end. :S 

So it was a massive spill really.
Especially considering that there were still puddles of water....HOURS after it had happened.
Since yesterday was a holiday, we'd closed earlier than normal. Which meant that it had been over 12 hoursish since anyone had been in the store. 

To have there still be standing water/wet floors....
It was a huge spill.

-Though thankfully, my coworkers realized the department was flooding before leaving for the night, so at least the water wasn't still running or anything. *exhales in relief* 
Can you imagine the mess then? *shudders*

And honestly, we probably would have never known there was a problem....
except our Floor Cleaner Machine -that cleans our floors for us....is broken.
So my coworkers couldn't use that to suck up all the excess water.

I don't even know if they attempted to mop up the water at all or if they just thought "we'll just let it dry" and left it. 

But it definitely took a long while for the water to fade away, even with attempting mopping by our maintenance guy. As I worked an entire 8 hour shift...and we still had a couple wet spots on the floor. *shakes head* 

In any case....I'd figured that my coworkers had been trying to fill a large bucket with water so we could clean some fish ornaments in our fishwall tanks....and had forgotten it was running when they left to go do something else.
As that was what I'd gathered from the clues left behind in the back.
The bucket by the sink.
A gravel vacuum leading from the bucket into the sink -indicating they were draining water from the bucket....

Not too hard to figure out.
And a coworker confirmed it to me later that that was indeed what happened.

*shakes head*

At least it's only water and since all our products are off the floor, it didn't do any major damage.
Just discolored the floor for now, but that will disappear once we ca properly clean it with the machine once that gets fixed.

Quite the way to walk into work this morning. lol. 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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