Thursday, September 7, 2017

Saving by Delaying

There were at least two Latter-day Saint connections to the Titanic. Both illustrate our challenge in understanding trials, tribulations, and tragedies and provide insight as to how we ight deal with them.
The first is an example of being appreciative for the blessings we receive and the challenges we avoid.
It involves Alma Sonne, who later served as a General Authority.
He was my stake president when I was born in Logan, Utah.
I had my mission interview with Elder Sonne.
In those days all prospective missionaries were interviewed by a General Authority.
He was a great influence in my life.

When Alma was a young man, he had a friend named Fred who was less active in the Church.
They had numerous discussions about serving a mission, and eventually Alma Sonne.
In those days all prospective missionaries were interviewed by a General Authority.
He was a great influence in my life.

When Alma was a young man, he had a friend named Fred who was less active in the Church.
They had numerous discussions about serving a mission, and eventually Alma Sonne convinced Fred to prepare and serve.
They were both called to the British Mission.
At the conclusion of their missions, Elder Sonne, the mission secretary, made the travel arrangements for their return to the  United States.
He booked passage on the Titanic for himself, Fred, and four other missionaries who had also completed their missions.

When it came time to travel, for some reason Fred was delayed.
Elder Sonne canceled all six booking to sail on the new luxury liner on its maiden voyage and booked passage on a ship that sailed the next day.
The four missionaries, who were excited about traveling on the Titanic, expressed their disappointment.
Elder Sonne's answer paraphrased the account of Joseph and his brothers in Egypt recorded in Genesis: "How can we return to our families and the lad be not with us?"
He explained to his companions that they all came to England together and they all should return home together.
Elder Sonne subsequently learned of the Titantic's sinking and gratefully said to his friend Fred. "You saved my life."
Fred replied, "No, by getting me on this mission, you saved my life."
All of the missionaries thanked the Lord for preserving them.

Sometimes, as was the case with Elder Sonne and his missionary associates, great blessings come to those who are faithful.

-Quentin L. Cook -The Songs They Could Not Sing -October 2011 General Conference

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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