Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Back At It

It never fails that when I go on vacation something happens while I'm gone. Whether something breaks or there's a policy change or something new comes into the store. There's always something I have to 'catch up on' or 'fix' when I get back.

Surprisingly, this time around, nothing actually 'broke' while I was gone. No, we actually were able to fix something aka our goldfish system. As something had happened while I was gone....I think it was during my October vacation time, where the feeder goldfish system went kaput. :S and they were able to get it limping along running wise, but the water flow was drastically reduced. But they finally were able to put in a work order while I was gone this time around and the guy was able to come out and fix it. :D So woot!! Yay for a working feeder fish system again. XD lol.

Though I'm still trying to find time to 'fix' the main fish system as well, not that anything is broken, but I've noticed a few locklines have clogged up and I haven't yet had time to go unclog them as I'm always like "I'll do it when I feed the fish!" ....only I never end up having time to feed the fish and have to leave it to my fellow associates to do.

In any case.

We also ended up receiving new carts into the store. O.o 

Like we got in some brighter...darker? new blue carts, a good dozen of themish though I haven't yet seem them all together. But besides the typical cart carts, they also sent us like 10 short carts. The ones where the baskets are like barely two feet long type of short carts. Which is handy for the customers who aren't grabbing giant bags of dog food. But it's weird having them in the store. Also they don't stack well with our regular carts so it's like you have to grab the short carts first and then the regular carts. *shake shead*

Not sure why they decided we needed those. But they are cool.

But one of the 'best' things I've been told since getting back, is that since our state is now under a state-wide mask mandate...a mandate where if people are caught without masks they can get fined...and apparently businesses can be fined up to $10,000 if people are caught not wearing masks inside the that we can now officially kick people out of the store for not wearing masks.

They have to wear a mask now. If they don't they have to leave. They can go take advantage of our curbside pick up instead. 

Which is nice. Like the amount of people coming into the store without masks has drastically decreased. Which helps to decrease stress levels of having to approach people to inform them of the mandate. It's kinda freeing in a way to tell customers that they need to wear a mask or leave. 

Hopefully it gets the point across. We'll see. The holidays bring out the crazy in customers and with an already crazy year...I can only expect things to get crazier. 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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