Sunday, April 23, 2017

Asked to Speak

I'm going to preface this and say now: It was a dream. (literally)

There I was, walking into a school building because I'd been invited to speak in a few classrooms, though as the usual, I had no idea what I was supposed to be speaking on.
Which knowing myself, I really should have asked for more details. How can I talk to classrooms full of students if I don't know what I'm supposed to be talking about or how long I'm speaking and I haven't even had time to prepare anything cool to say.

But as I sat and waited for my turn, I was told that I was here to speak about dedication.
You know, sticking to a task no matter what.

And as I worried and wondered and tried to figure out why I was even here and invited in the first place.
It came out that I was here because of my blog.
That a few students had found my blog and saw that I updated it daily and that it had good content and the random big words I use on occasion were great teaching moments, and that I was very readable and well...
I ended up with quite the following at the school, with my words being used often to help out in the classroom and cheer up students.
They were so appreciative of what I did, that they even created a little flip book filled with their favorite lines and passages from my blog posts, and left the names of their usernames on the back of the book so I would know who they were.

And awww. Guys it was amazing!! So very literally amazing! To realize that I was helping to make a difference in people's lives and that my writing mattered and wow.

I was more than reluctant to wake up out of that dream. *sighs*
Especially because I woke up before I had the time to speak to the class and such. *shakes head* Isn't that typical of dreams? lol.

In any case.
Since I spent like the whole dream trying to figure out what I was going to say...only to never be able to say anything because I woke up....
I'm going to say some words here.

It's easy to stay dedicated when you're doing something you love.
When you have a passion for what you're doing and love what you're doing, it's easy to stay on top of things to get it done.

I've always told people that it's best to do what you love. Because people can tell if you're actually passionate about what you're doing or just trying to do it for a following.
Make it easy on yourself. Do things because you like to do them.
That way, if you don't become popular, at least you've done something you like to do. But if you do become popular...then it's just an added bonus. lol.

It's no secret (as I've stated it more than once) that I tell people that blogging is basically about you. Blog about what you're interested in, what you want to talk about and set realistic expectations for yourself. :)
People with similar interests will find your blog or your other works in time. It may be a small cult following, or a worldwide following, but still, those who like what you like doing will find you. :)

It's also a matter of setting realistic expectations for yourself.

To know that there are days when things just can't get done. Give yourself room for those moments of failure.
-Like when my blog post consists of "Post Forthcoming." Because I a) couldn't think of anything to say b) was too distracted and obsessed with something else to focus c) wasn't feeling well.
It's okay to take a small break if needed, the readers/or followers or whoever notices you will understand. We all have bad days. We all have moments where we can't fulfill what we said we'd fulfill.
Don't be too hard on yourself.
Give yourself room for those occasional moments when you fail.
But also give yourself room to pick yourself back up.
The main thing is to focus on returning to what you were doing when you can get it done. Or...if you've lost a passion for the thing, to change what it is you're doing in the first place.

I mean, can every person keep up four different blogs on a daily basis? Ha. No.
I recognize I'm crazy for managing to do it so far, and it took me forever to figure out how to do it in the first place lol.
Some of the side blogs had to go through transition phases before I found a rhythm that worked for me.
Like my work blog that was originally going to be a blog where I'd post comics of dating or other random things, but switched into a blog where I write about situations I encounter at work.
Or my writing blog where originally it the characters blogging their side of their stories, but now has evolved into a blog's its own little mesh pop of random things. lol. Short story snippets, reactions to events, random thoughts....

It's a matter of setting realistic expectations of yourself.
Can you keep up a daily blog? If so. Great! If often could you keep it up? Is it a once a week thing? twice a week thing? Once a month thing?
Give yourself room to figure things out.
-And this goes for other things besides blogging as well.
Give yourself room. Like if you want to play the piano, can you practice daily or once a week? If you want to draw can you practice daily or once a month or only on sundays? Let yourself realize that life can get crazy. That sometimes you'll miss your goals. Sometimes you'll have to do a 'post forthcoming' before you can get back to things.
The main thing is to try and get back to it.

But. If you no longer feel a need for it....let it go. Don't force yourself to do something you no longer want to do.
If you're out of the drawing phase, the hiking phase, the taking pictures phase, the whatever phase you're in. Let yourself breathe. You're not a failure for stopping at something if its only causing you more stress.
You're supposed to be doing whatever you're doing because you like doing it.
So if you no longer like it. Step back. Reevaluate. Make changes, and get into something you love doing.

Be yourself. Set realistic goals. And keep at them. Even with life gets hard. Keep at them as you can.

You can do it.
Be confident in yourself, because no matter what, you're amazing!!


And while it may have just been a dream to be asked to speak in a school.
(perhaps it will happen some day to be asked to speak somewhere lol.)
That doesn't mean that I don't appreciate all of you readers anyway who take the time to check out my blog(s) ^-^ Because I do!! I'm aware that you're there, and I love that you drop by to see what's new. :)
Hopefully I continue to post things that are relevant/interesting/fun to read or for whatever reason you started checking out this blog in the first place. ^^

Again. Thanks for being amazing!

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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