Saturday, April 29, 2017


Post forthcoming due to brain malfunction in the thinking realm.

(I'm keeping the line above because it amuses me.)

It happens to me on occasion.
Where I end up so mentally exhausted that my brain basically goes into 'shut down mode' and all it can think is "Close those eyes and let's get to sleep."

Which is always rather frustrating when what I really want to be doing is writing.
But if I can barely string two thoughts together in my head because my brain is so exhausted....there's not much recourse but to go ahead and head to bed and hope I'm more awake in the morning.

It was one of those nights.
Not that surprising actually, considering that I had to work an evening shift.

And as I've problem mentioned before.
I hate working evening shifts.

Because those shifts require me to do 8 hours of straight customer service.
And being the introvert that I am.
I can only do so much socializing before I'm physically and mentally drained.

That's why I prefer working morning shifts.
Because I have a couple of hours or so in the morning before the store opens to be working but not engaging in customer conversation.
I always like tasking more than talking.
Plus, I'm able to conserve my social energy a bit better so I can function a bit better after work.
-Doesn't stop me from taking naps, but I don't die quite so early in the evening.

Evening shifts?
Ugh. So stressful.
So very stressful.
Because it's constant interaction with people. Very little work, just a lot of talk.
And when things go the fact that our fish system was sending off a 'burning rubber' smell that we couldn't place the source for....
Yah....It's no wonder I get home and five minutes after I sit down I just want to crash.

Because it's exhausting.
And I don't like it.
I don't like talking to people for eight hours straight.
Sure it's rewarding (when I don't have to deal with stupid customers) when I can help a customer answer their questions and send them on their way with a brand new pet....but....
I really just want my morning shifts.

My social battery can only take so much before it dies.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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