Saturday, April 15, 2017

It's In My Favor

It's kinda nice you know.
When 'bad' things work out in my favor.

Earlier in the week.
My coworker had asked me if I would switch shifts with her.
Where they would work my Thursday shift and I would work their Friday shift.

I'm always reluctant to switch shifts with people.
I mean, I like helping people out.
But I kinda already have plans in mind when I get my schedule, and I don't like messing with plans. (it can stress me out.)

So at first I refused. I had plans for Friday and I didn't really want to work it when I wanted to have a day off.
After talking with another coworker....I was asked again if I'd be willing to work Friday if I took a different coworker's shorter shift while they took the longer shift.

Honestly, my plans wouldn't be affected with this shorter shift.
So reluctantly I acquiesced to the request, agreeing that I could cover the shift.
Provided that the managers knew and approved.
-Because I hate it when coworkers switch shifts without informing the managers and I didn't want to get into another 'why wasn't I told you were switching shifts talk' with a manager.
Those are never fun to deal with.

In any case.

It turns out that switching shifts actually worked out in my favor.
Because Wednesday night I came down with a major headache.
More than likely a delayed reaction to the major stress I went through on Tuesday.
But in the end...the headache stayed with me all Wednesday night and into Thursday day
And it left me exhausted, weak, not wanting to deal with people.
Which lucky me.
Since I had switched shifts and had the day off.
I could stay home, sleep, rest, work on relaxing to get the annoying headache gone.
And not deal with people.

lol. And Friday's shift also worked out in my favor, allowing me to crash early. And again not use up my energy reserves so that I could be at full function mode on our crazy Saturday shifts. (sooo crazy today)
-It usually takes me a couple of days to recover energy wise from a major headache.

So once more, something bad. Like getting a headache. Worked out in my favor because I was able to deal with the headache and not have to either a) miss work (which I never do anyways) or b) deal with a headache at work (which is never fun.) Because I happened to switch shifts with my coworker earlier in the week. lol. It's a blessing for sure.

Plus. I was able to help out a coworker in their time of need!
So pluses all around. :)

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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