Thursday, April 27, 2017

Music in the Rubble

I recently met a family who is a beautiful example of how we believe Him.
Olgan and Soline Saintelus, from Port-au-Prince, Haiti, told me their story.

On January 12, 2010, Olgan was at work and Soline was at the church when a devastating earthquake struck Haiti.
Their three children--Gancci, age five, Angie, age three, and Gansly, age one--were at home in their apartment with a friend.

Massive devastation was everywhere.
As you will remember, tens of thousands lost their lives that January in Haiti.
Olgan and Soline ran as fast as they could to their apartment to find the children.
The three-story apartment building where the Saintelus family lived had collapsed.

The children had not escaped.
No rescue efforts would be devoted to a building that was so completely destroyed.

Olgan and Soline Saintelus had both served full-time missions and had been married in the temple.
They believed in the Savior and in His promises to them.
Yet their hearts were broken.
They wept uncontrollably.

Olgan told me that in his darkest hour he began to pray.
"Heavenly Father, if it be thy will, if there could be just one of my children alive, please, please help us."
Over and over he walked around the building, praying for inspiration.
The neighbors tried to comfort him and help him accept the loss of his children.
Olgan continued to walk around the rubble of the collapsed building, hoping, praying.
Then something quite miraculous happened.
Olgan heard the almost inaudible cry of  a baby.
It was the cry of his baby.

For hours the neighbors frantically dug into the rubble, risking their own lives.
In the dark of the night, through the piercing sounds of hammers and chisels, the rescue workers heard another sound.
they stopped their pounding and listened.
They couldn't believe what they were hearing.
It was the sound of a little child--and he was singing.
Five-year-old Gancci later said that he knew his father would hear him if he sang.
Under the weight of crushing concrete that would later result in the amputation of his arm, Gancci was singing his favorite song, "I am a Child of God."

As the hours passed amid the darkness, death, and despair of so many other precious sons and daughters of God in Haiti, the Saintelus family had a miracle.
Gancci, Angie, and Gansly were discovered alive under the flattened building.

- Neil L. Andersen -What Thinks Christ of Me -April 2012 General Conference

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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