Tuesday, April 25, 2017

A Call From Work

It's always a bit concerning when work calls you.

Because that usually means that they want you to come in for a shift or need you to stay longer or something.

So, today I had work call me.
Which was unexpected, as to my knowledge...they had no reason to call me.
*shakes head*
Though they had the perfect timing to call me while I was in the middle of taking a nap.

So the buzzing of my phone startled me awake, and then upon realizing it wasn't an alarm but actually someone trying to call me, I had to quickly 'wake up' enough to be able to sound normal on the phone.
Did I succeed? Hopefully. lol.

I picked up, wondering what work could possibly want, though I was expecting it to be that they were going to ask me to stay later at work tomorrow. Because oddly enough I had a super short shift scheduled. And whenever I have a short shift....I don't usually get to keep it. So I figured that I was now saying goodbye to my short shift.

Surprisingly, I wasn't.

No the manager was calling to ask me about our Canaries.
As we currently have two of them in the store.
And he wanted to know if I knew how to tell the difference between a boy and girl canary. And if I knew what the genders of the two in our store were.

I didn't.

Because I'd just barely put the birds out on the floor earlier this morning. lol.
So they were brand new to the sales floor, which meant...I haven't had time to actually hear if they had sung or not.

Because the easiest way to tell if the bird is male or female is a) if the Male sings. or b) the female lays an egg.

Since the birds had done neither yet....
I really couldn't tell. Heh.

I would guess that we currently have a male and female in the store. As both birds are yellow, but one is brighter and the other is lighter in their shades. And usually the more vibrant the bird...the more likely it is to be a male. Not always a rule of thumb, but close enough.

I didn't tell the manager that. I just told him to tell the customers that we didn't know. Since the birds hadn't sung or laid any eggs.
Sometimes we never know.
Though the longer the birds go without singing, the more likely it is for the bird to be a female....

So we'll see....if the curious customers actually ended up buying one or both of the birds, or if they chose to wait and see....

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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