Friday, June 17, 2011


This is why you don't play baseball in the house.

This is Napatalie, one of the many plants my sister has brought into the apartment. 
You can see that she's been a bit...beat up.
How did this happen? Well, it actually wasn't because of baseball.
When we went on vacation last week, we had a friend watch all our flowers/plants that needed to be watered every other day at her place.
We placed the plants outside for sunlight and figured all was good.
But it wasn't.
No, the friend didn't beat up Napatalie playing baseball either.
A windstorm appeared out of nowhere, and flattened Napatalie with its great gusts of wind while we were gone. Our friend would have stopped the big old mean storm from beating up poor Napatalie but she was away from home that day and by the time she got was too late.

But not to worry. Rescue Sister is on the job!

And the result? The picture above. :)

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

My mom, sister and I were on a journey.
We were trying to find the fountain of youth.
To protect it basically from the evil beautiful darkhaired witch lady who wanted to use the fountain for evil.

But it wasn't a battle between good and evil see my family like people. We still walked on two legs, but I had the impression that we were lions as well. And I was kinda like the 'head of the family' so I had a lion's mane.
Anyway we were walking/rushing through the woods.
Knowing that the woman was right behind us.
Mom led us to a pond where an old guy. He had light skin, grey hair, but his face was still youthful looking with very few wrinkles. He had on a fisherman's hat and vest and he was standing by this pond.
That was protected by a wooden fence.
Mom paused on the dirt road, when she spotted a frosted flake with eyes on it.
I got the impression that it could have been a soul, trying to get to the pond to break a spell.
Mom wasn't buying it though. She carefully picked it up in her clawed hands.
Suspicious that it might be a trick to try and get us to show the witchwoman behind us the fountain.
Then, carefully she took a bite out of the frosted flake. (it seemed like she bit off a third of it vertically)
Her reasoning? If it is in pain then its real and we will bring it with us.
But nothing happened. So mom tossed it aside and we continued on past the pond.
And onto a side track covered with dark brown dirt and wood chips. It got narrower so we squeezed between the trees and such down into a type of glen. -At one point going onto all fours to journey faster though it felt odd. We arrived in this pit/glen thing...where the trees thinned out and the ground was...mossy/dirt...campground like. And there was also a pit.
It was square and I knew that 'this was the actual fountain of youth.' the pond in the foreground was just a cover up. It did help people. But it was more for the 'faith' aspect where they show up and they're going to be fine already so it just reaffirms to them that they'll live. Something like that.
I peered over the edge of the pit.
And saw my dad! He was laying there at the bottom. Looking pretty content.
He was happy to see us. I hopped down into the pit and gave him a hug glad to finally see him.
-It seemed like I hadn't seen him in a couple of years. Mom had come to get us from wherever my sister and I were and we ran into the witch woman on our journey. Something like that.
But then I realized....or it came to my knowledge.
That....Dad was dead. And that he'd died a while ago but my mom hadn't told us.
He was now part of the fountain of youth. Forever young, but unable to leave.
For those who truly desire to drink of the fountain...that's the price.
They have to stay to help out. I wasn't under the impression that it was a permanent thing. It was more of a 'I will help out for now until my time is done.'
I think...its more of a 'those who wish to see the fountain more then once.' Its like...the Field of Dreams movie where the old black dude walks into the cornfield because he was invited to come and see. That's what it was like for my dad, though I did know he was 'sick'
I don' know its hard to explain the feeling I got. I was sad to know that dad had passed away. But I was happy that he was happy.
And I realized that it was mom's intention to join Dad at the fountain. But she'd brought my sister and I here as well to know that Dad was alright and that she would be fine as well.
(we were human from the point I saw my dad in the pit by the way.)
The other grey/white haired man showed up and he was in the area as well during our happy reunion.
But soon was time for my sister and I to leave.
We were given some jerky sticks to eat.
Though they were different....because they were already a part of us.
My sister commented; "I kinda feel like a cannibal eating this." Since it was meat. and we are made sense in a way because it was part of us....yah..hard to explain.
We said our goodbyes remembering fond memories
Kim mentioned how she had seen mom when she was younger and she had short spiky hair.
I got an vague image of what she was talking about. Mom short brown spiky hair (apparently she was a wild child when she was younger ;) ) and my dad with his black hair looking young and happy in their early twenties.

In the fountain of youth you become a 'youth' again, but my mom and dad chose to age back to the age I last saw them in. (how old they are in real life) so that we could recognize them and feel secure with them.
Though I'm sure as my sister and I left ,never to see our parents again,walking up the hill and away from the fountain, they became young again.

Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again.


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