Wednesday, June 1, 2011


It took me a while to leave my room this morning.
Not because I was sleeping in.
I just got distracted by my computer. (It happens alot)
But I had heard my sister up and about doing this and that, mostly cleaning.
And I came out expecting to see her...
Only I didn't.
She wasn't anywhere in the apartment.
What was my first thought about being confronted with an empty apartment?
"Maybe she got raptured."
Yep that was my first thought lol. :)
I think it was because I didn't hear the door open and close like I usually do.
To me it seemed like she was there making noise,
and suddenly stopped as I left my room.
like she'd disappeared into thin air.
I actually played with the idea for a minute or two.
looking about to see if I saw any empty clothes...that looked out of place.
lol i was also thinking "Crud, I got left behind...I can't get left behind!"
And it was with that prideful  thought.
That my mind kicked into gear, remembering that my sister had told me she had a date today.
So I figured. "Oh, she's gone on her date!"
Ha. Wrong.
she came back a few minutes later.
She had gone to get the mail. :)

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

Another person came up to me, wanting to know the formula to basically create a human being.
They couldn't remember what it was though we'd gone through the formula earlier.
So I led them downstairs to the laundry room and pulled out a stack of cards.
I shuffled them and laid the cards out in a specific pattern following the formula.
I counted out another set of cards from these face cards around 17 I think.
Then I needed measuring cups, laundry soap, oil and other things.

But the person who came to me...was a plant.
They were working for the aliens.
and the aliens wanted to know how to create human beings.
So they did, but they looked...fake, unnatural.

I turned around with the person and there were three people in a classroom sitting in desks.
Young people high school age. There were two girls (one girl was blonde haired in high pigtails) and a guy. And they were surrounded by glass. Wide eyed, smiling, and looking very fake. though they were real.
Next to them on a conveyor belt came models. from the torso up of the same people looking like spaghetti clay.
I was furious. It was like they were creating an army. Against the treaty.
They weren't supposed to experiment on any more humans.
I called them on it and the aliens (looking more human then alien) motioned for the conveyor belt to move the figures back into the dark opening they came out of.
But the damage was already done.
They'd used real body parts from the humans in the glass cases.
And they couldn't be replaced.
The liver from one, the eyes from another.
It was saddening

and the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again.


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