Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Called In

I got called into work last night.
Totally weird for me, as I haven't been called in to help cover someone else's shift in...well forever.
I've been asked to come in an hour early or stay an hour late before,
but since my hours have increased, I haven't had the 'time' to cover other people's shifts. As work tends to get a bit... squinty eyed at you if you go over your capstone of hours. And since I flirt with that capstone most's rare now to come in to cover shifts.

But, I happened to not be flirting as closely with that capstone this week.
And with the shift being a short one. 4 hours. I could cover it....

It's a good thing I came in.
Because seriously, my store was in desperate need of help. :S Yikes!
It was one of those Tuesday Nights that...randomly got super busy. :S
-We're usually not crazy busy until the weekend nights.
Like, lines everywhere. People wanting to buy their stuff, people needing help with animals,
And we were totally understaffed for that sort of rush. :S
Sooo it totally was a good thing that I was called in. :)
;) As the rush disappeared soon after I came in. Haha :D

But yah, my poor coworkers, they were soo frazzled. It wouldn't surprise me if they went straight home to bed. :S

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

There was this huge apartment sort of building under construction, it felt like it was the bare bones of a fancy smancy hotel tower. And I...wasn't supposed to be in there, yet I found myself ignoring the rules and climbing up through the different rooms and stairways, avoiding areas where pieces of the building had broken away -floors had holes in them, from over hyper college students also in the building- I was looking for a place to study and to get away from a woman...a manager or teacher figure who I'd gotten on the bad side of, not on purpose, I'd just done something wrong in their eyes was better for me to not be seen by them, then to stay in their presence. There were people all over the place in this building, most of them not workers, but other students messing around and partying. Many tended to stick to the more finished parts of the building, but a few could be found in the more skeletal portions. I tried some 'apartment rooms' but found that the thin walls...were too thin for me to study, and fearing that I would get into trouble, I made my way back down to the ground floor, which turned out to be a high school that was under construction. And as it was 'opening' day of the new school, there were a ton of students in the 'pit' a depressed area where staircases met, to stand in line for free Domino Pizza and a drink. I wasn't a student, so I didn't get in line, but as I walked past the line of office staff I heard something along the lines of "If you agree to .......... then we'll be able to have free Domino's pizza everyday" I ended up going back up to the unfinished parts of the tower, as I needed to clean up a mess that I had left. I found myself in a sort of restaurant up there, with people that I knew, though I felt awkward being around them, and as I was finishing cleaning up...I ran into the person I was trying to avoid, but I didn't get into trouble. They just asked how my homework assignment was going and...

then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


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