Wednesday, March 19, 2014


There are times when being creatively minded....can become a major roadblock.
Like when being asked "What's your favorite food?"

Simple enough right?
It should be.
But I'm like. O.O

One overall food I like above all other food?
What food would I choose to eat over and over and over again and still love it?

....In reality, I can't think of anything because really....I go through phases.
What I'll like and eat everyday for weeks on end....will suddenly go into the 'meh, I don't want to eat this anymore.' and I won't touch it for months on end.

Which is why I constantly switch through foods. But I do have my favorites in categories.

Favorite Nut: Almonds
Favorite Meat: Deer
Favorite Drink: Strawberry Banana Pina Colada
Favorite Cheese: Cheddar...or PepperJack
Favorite Bread: Cheesebread

So give me a category and sure I can name one or two items I love to eat right off the top of my head.
But say "What is your favorite food."
And wow....I really have no idea.


Alright. I do....I do have an idea.
But I hesitate to answer it, because it's sooo specific....that I haven't had it in years.
Not since High School.

It's a Bean and Cheese Enchilada with A Red Sauce and Melted Cheese on top.
Oh. For Cafeteria food...this, this was my heaven. I loved it. I literally would jump up and down for joy when I discovered that was what we were having for lunch.
And, if I could convince my friends to give me some of their French fries? Oh. Heaven just exploded in Angelic Choruses, because the Fries dipped in the Sauce from the Enchilada tasted amazing!

Yes. My mouth just waters thinking about it.
But again, I haven't had it in years. And I most likely won't get it again, because I heard that they changed it up at the school...and it isn't the same anymore.

*mourns* Just like when they 'changed up' my elementary food favorite of breadsticks with melted cheese in the middle. Stuffed Crusts. Soo tasty, and then they replaced it with something rubbery. *shudders* 

In any case.
I guess if I get asked the "What is your favorite food?" in the future....I may just have to go with...

Mexican Food.

That should be specific and broad all at the same time....right? :)

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

 Me, and a group of others, including my brother were on a race around our neighborhood. We ran up a hill by the Sals and I turned left to run the route I knew well, taking the lead at this point. I ran and ran and won the race! But as I sat relaxing, another came up to me and told me that I had gone and done the wrong route. I hadn't finished the race yet. My brother (or a different guy) had decided to go on a different route than I'd thought we were going on. Which meant, that I was way behind on the others. I took off running, feeling like I was getting no where fast. Everything felt heavy, but I wanted to try and win, even though I knew it was impossible. I went the route, towards the south end of the street, down the hill, and back around along Orchard to circle up. I'd been told how the others had gone, but as I ran -way too slowly- I worked on plotting on doing the route, but in a way that I didn't have to go along the same stretches repetitively because we were using the streets above my parents hone as the route and so I wanted to do everything, but not how my brother was doing it...

Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


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