Sunday, March 9, 2014

Empty Fridge

"And, as today is Fast Sunday, we usually have Break the Fast afterwards, but we're going to move it to next Sunday Morning and have breakfast instead of having dinner tonight."

I had two thoughts about hearing this in church. One. Of course was the thought "Crap, today is Fast Sunday?!?" I mean, now that he spoke it, sure I remembered, but I'd thought that last week was fast sunday, even though I knew that we'd had Stake Conference last week and that fast sunday would be this week....It didn't register. I blame the time change. ;) lol
The second thought proceeded with "Awwwww I have to work then >.<" Soo I would be missing this 'breakfast.'

However, just as the speaker moved to other announcements the guy sitting next to me looked up and was like "Wait, what? There is no Break the Fast today?!"
"No," I responded "They're doing it next Sunday Morning."
His face got dejected, his voice, went soo hopeless. "But...I have no food in my fridge! I ate the left overs I had in there for last night's dinner, I was banking on Break the Fast being today!"
"Don't you have any food in your cupboard?" I asked him. Surely, surely he couldn't be totally out of food.
"Just some cans of soup." He responded.
Ah. Soup. Totally not filling for a guy I imagine. But, he did have food. Not 'good food.' but food.

Yet, the way he'd sounded. The hopelessness in his voice. The sorrow that he'd have no 'real food' to look forward to at Break the Fast. Stuck in my mind.

And as Sacrament was ending, I typed into my Ipod.
"If you don't want soup, I have some hotdogs and pasta that you could eat."
-I did have them. And figured I wasn't going to eat them all anytime soon. So he could have some.
He read the text and his face lit up. He turned to me, hope in his eyes "4:30?" he asked.
I was like O.o "I live in apt #" thinking that he'd mistaken where I lived.
"4:30?" he repeated.
I got it then. Ohh The time! He wants to come over then.
"Sure, 4:30."

lol. Off and on we talked about what to have, what he could bring over (I didn't expect him to bring anything. As he did say 'his fridge was empty.'

Finally, we decided on hotdogs, and whatever else he could bring.
Which was....a box of Mac 'n Cheese, some Pickles, an indian food packet, and two cans of Mountain Dew Voltage.
Lol totally different from what I'd expected him to bring. I mean...soup. If anything. ;)

In any case, we ended up having Hotdogs, but not normal hotdogs. You see I had no 'bread.' So I improvised and took some Pillsbury Breadsticks and wrapped them around the hotdogs before placing them in the oven to bake.

Let me tell you. Pretty tasty. :)

Yep. Twas fun to do a random act of kindness. ^^ And save one starving student, from starving for another night. ;)

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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