Saturday, September 6, 2014

My First Comic Con

There was a Comic Con over the weekend.
I wasn't sure I was going to go.
I mean, a ton of people, all dressed up, to visit a lot more people?
Not always my sort of thing. 
Crowds and I don't mix well.
But I was tempted,
Mostly because I knew a bunch of my friends went last year,
And they would be going this year.
I thought about going,
But it would depend on work.
And since work likes to schedule me on the Comic Con days.
I didn't think I would be able to make it.
Since it wouldn't be worth it to go to the con for just a few hours.
I would need at least a day to do so.
And then.
I discovered that Stephen Amell was going to be coming on Saturday to our Comic Con!!
Talk about I WANTS TO GO!!!
Before I'd been like "Meeeeh." About the whole thing like "It could be fun."
But now I was like "I MUST GO THERE!"
Only, I always get scheduled on Saturdays.
And it was too late to put in a request to get the day off. :(
But maybe....I could work a morning shift.
Only...I'd been scheduled Evenings...
In any case.
I basically had written off that I wouldn't be able to go. :( Sad day.
And then. I looked at my schedule.
And found. That I'd randomly been given SATURDAY off!
The one day that Stephen Amell was going to be there. ()_()
*hallelujah music*
Oh, now there was no way I wasn't going now!!
A chance to see Stephen Amell in person? Totally going!

And so, I went. ^^
To my first comic con.
Though totally crowded like expected,

I didn't see much of the con for the first three hours because I really wanted to see the panel that Stephen Amell was on,
So I went there early and sat through a panel to make sure I got a seat in.
And then sat through another panel afterwards.
Totally great!
All of them were fun. ^^

Then I got to explore the floor with all the shops and I was like ()_() SOOO MUCH STUFF!!
So hard to pick and choose and find things with people blocking most of the tables.
But it was great.
Costumes were great.
Everything was a ton of fun. ^^
Then to top it off
My friend, Fluffy was there!
And she had a pass to go get a photo with Stephen Amell and John Barrowman and invited me to come along!
Total fan moment. Got to take a picture, got to shake Stephen's hand!
It was great! ^^ Totally happy for a while afterwards. ^^

All in all, even with all the crazy crowds and such,
I still had a great first time going to the con!
Probably would go again if everything aligns alright. ^^

Still soo happy!! ^^

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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