Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Chicken No More

It seems rather typical for the Dirchi family.
Find something that we love to eat.
And it will eventually be discontinued.

The latest tragedy has hit.
My favorite meal at Arctic Circle is no more.

What happened?

Most fast food places I go to,
I end up getting the same thing nearly every time.
I mean. If it's good and tasty, why not have good and tasty?

I went to Arctic Circle to get my usual order.
The Country Chicken Sandwich.
Only when I ordered it.
The cashier was like. "Have you tried our new chicken patty yet?"
*blink blink*
"New Chicken Patty?"

Apparently, the company that they'd been getting their chicken patties from....had stopped making them.
WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!?!?!? A restaurant depends on you for this and you suddenly stop making it?!!?

In any case that left AC in a bit of a bind.
Either...they stop having the Country Chicken on the menu.
Or they find a new provider.

Well, they found a new provider.

It's...not the same.
Not at all.
The new chicken sandwich is so B. L. A. N. D. BLAND!
Seriously, it's like tasteless nasty 'lunch room style' food. All the flavor and goodness has been taken out and disguised by a poor substitute.

My Country Chicken Sandwich....
Is no more.

I'm not sure what to get at Arctic Circle anymore...
That's what I've gotten for years.
And now....
I don't know what to get when I know that my usual is now a tasteless zombie.....



Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I was in league with all the Disney Villains as we roamed my parents neighborhood and other city neighbor places. We'd been labeled the bad guys, though after a series of events involving the good guys...it was hard to believe that we were actually the villains as the 'good guys' did more horrible things' lying cheating stealing than we did. For a long while I was of two minds of how I thought about both sides, and it reflected in my costume, as I had a 'good costume' and a 'bad costume' that I would switch to by snapping my fingers once I crossed between territories. I think I'd originally started as a 'good' guy -though my uniform was darker, but had ended up on the 'bad' side by accident (where my uniform was more white...) And I discovered how the bad guys...weren't really bad guys. At one point, as we were sheltering from a raid from the good guys, it was outside my grandparent's home/Lovell's home, we discovered, that everyone had two costumes. A good one and a bad one. Only the bad guys had been bad for so long, they hadn't really thought about their other costumes. Instead of dreary colors of their normal Disney villain looks, they were bright. Dazzling. Cruella had on a long shimmery sparkly sky blue dress that totally changed how she looked. And with that we realized....we didn't have to be the bad guys, but we needed to pretend to be for a while longer until we could take out the good guys who were the real bad guys. So the Disney Villains put their old costumes back on over their old ones -they didn't fit as well, nor look so nice now that I'd seen them in their other costumes, and we set off to 'take over' We ended up in an old subway station that was more of a futuristic style where I ran into my boyfriend. He was shocked that I had gone over to the 'dark side' and in desperation I snapped my fingers and had both of my selfs appear. Me in my white costume standing up, me in my dark costume lying down. He took one look, and went after me in my white costume, joining our side as he recognized what good actually was supposed to look like. We were amassing our forces to fight...

When the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


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