Friday, June 2, 2017

A School Lunch Craving

So, the other day I had a craving for some bread and ranch. 

Because when I was younger, in high school and possibly even in Jr. High one of the meals that we could get for our lunch was breadsticks and ranch.

You could grab a 'pack' of three breadsticks that were like an inch and a half wide, two inches tall and like a foot long. Okay, possibly more like 8 inches.

I'd say for size comparison they were about the size of Little Cesare's Breadsticks.

It would come with a side of ranch.

And you'd dip the breadsticks in the ranch and eat it.

And that would be your lunch.

It was great for those days when I wasn't feeling particularly hungry, or didn't want the chicken sandwich that I would get instead of the breadsticks, or if the meal of the day was totally nasty and I didn't want to eat it.  

Though in retrospect it probably wasn't the best thing to eat.... *shrugs* At least it was food, I got energy, and was able to still focus in school I suppose. lol. 

In any case.
It was a delicious thing to eat!!

But apparently it was only common in hometown?
Because people from elsewhere....don't seem to do that.
And think it's weird that I think dipping bread into ranch is actually good.

-They do agree it's good once I convince them to try it. lol.

So it must have just been a quirk of my school or something.


I haven't really thought about the breadstick lunch forever really, not since halfway through college at least, if not longer. 

But when I went grocery shopping the other day.
And saw bottles of ranch for sell.

I totally got a craving for that.
For the school breadsticks (which were like herby breadsticks not quite garlic but close) and ranch to dip them in.

Since I couldn't just go visit my high school and request them for lunch 
-Because a) I'm not in high school b) high school is out for the summer and c) who knows if they eve serve it anymore. 

I had to figure out my own method.

Which involved browsing the store's bread section. 
-Where you find the rolls, croissants, garlic bread loafs and other bready concoctions. 

And came across a French herb loaf that I thought could work.

Today I tried it.
Grabbed a chunk off of that loaf, poured out some ranch and....


It tasted just like the school's lunch I used to have.
And Ah!
It was delicious. ^^ 
So glad I remembered that school lunch, and found a way to recreate it.

....Now if only I could find my high school's amazing enchilada sauce....that would be amazing! 
(High School Enchilada sauce on their enchiladas, but dip French fries in the sauce? So. Good.) 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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