Friday, June 23, 2017


There was a slight concern, when I moved into my current place nearly a year ago.
About how many spiders we'd be encountering in the house. 

Mostly because of the guys who lived there before us....
As it seemed like that didn't keep the place as nice as they could have.
And probably encouraged the spiders to come. 

Thankfully, soon after moving in.
And a barricade spray placed all around the house.
The presence of spiders in the house vanished. 

I mean no new spiders entered the house.
And eventually the ones that were in the house before we sprayed disappeared. 

But it seems like the spray has failed us. 
Which after nearly a year, makes sense that we'd need to reapply.

It could be the spike in heat we've been experiencing here. 
And with our house being nice and cool and away from the sun...

The spiders seem to be finding their way into our house in mass.

Not like it's a horde or anything.

But from going from like never seeing spiders to finding like 8 in the house in a day....
Yikes :S 

I found two in the bathroom, two on the stairs, one on the couch, one in my room, and I'm just like *shudders* where are you all coming from!?!?

I mean it's not like tiny baby spiders.
No more than half of them have been on the larger side.
Like nickel sized I suppose. 

And that's just creepy.
Like where are you all coming from?!

It just kinda gives me the creepy crawlies all over the place.
Like...where am I going to find a spider next?


We definitely will be reapplying that antispider boundary soon. I hope.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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