Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Painful Proximity

I had an encounter with an 'odd' group of customers today at work.

Odd in that they gave off quite the 'nails on a chalk board' energy when I was in their proximity to them. Their energy was abrasive, painful. *shudders* Oh, I did not like it at all. It had my back up quite quickly.

These customers just gave off the sort of energy where...I just needed to get away from it as quickly as possible because I just wasn't comfortable around them. 

Which is difficult to do when you're in a work setting and they're asking you a ton of questions that you need to answer.

But it wasn't even talking to them. It was being near them, as they would hover too closely behind me. Feeling like a wall about to collapse on top of me. 

I tried to ignore it.
but that's rather hard to do when they just hang around. 
It literally caused me quite some pain too. 
Like I felt like I was jabbed hard in my right shoulder blade area. The muscles there tensed up quite tightly from having to be near these people. 

Which is so weird.
Because there aren't that many people (thankfully) around who cause quite that reaction from me.
Honestly, if I had stayed around them I probably would have ended up with a major headache.
Thankfully that didn't happen.

But note to self.
I need to stay more on guard for those sort of people with their painful energy.
Because if they catch me at the wrong moment, I would get an instant headache for sure. :S 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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