Friday, June 16, 2017

A Bleeding Heart

I did a semi-crazy thing yesterday.
Semi-crazy because I could have actually gone more crazy, but managed to reign myself in enough to not go completely crazy.

Over fish.

I mean....
I shouldn't be going crazy over fish.
Because I have this nice 125 gallon fish tank that's full of fish!

I shouldn't need more fish beyond what I can fit in my tank.


There are these fish.
These betta fish....

Where I can't really put them in my 125 since the two bettas I already have in there won't let me put another betta or two in with them. *exhales* Such fickle fish.

In any case.
I was content with that. 

Until I got my sister a small 2 gallon tank with a divider and she bought two betta fish for that tank.
And I was like. ()_() oooo!
The tank was cool! It was fun.
And I kinda wanted one myself.

But I already have three betta tanks upstairs with bettas still in them. 
-So if you're keeping track, I have five betta fish. Three upstairs, two downstairs in the 125. 

And I didn't think my roommates would appreciated if I added to that number.
And I didn't need to add to the number of tanks upstairs.

Until I noticed one of the bettas that we'd taken off the floor at work. 
-As occasionally some of the bettas get sick and so we take them off the floor and keep them in the back until they get better.

And one of those bettas was a halfmoon, that was super pretty and overall healthy....except he has a growth growing from his head. Like a tumor.
And those....I have no idea how to treat them in a fish. :S 
So it was unlikely that he would find a home unless one of my coworkers noticed him and wanted to take him home....which they hadn't noticed yet. And the fish had been back there for a couple of weeks at least. 

So...I broached the subject of adding in a fourth tank with my roommates. 
To which they said it was fine so long as I could take care of the tanks. 

Which meant, I could get a split tank like my sister had! 
And I could put TWO Bettas in there!

As I'd been looking at the bettas, and saw a crowntail with unique coloring that I liked.
And since I've been wanting a crowntail in forever....
I thought maybe I could get him too....

But I procrastinated.
Because I didn't want to just rush into this.
I mean I already have four other tanks.
I didn't need one more.

But I wanted to give that one betta a good home.
And if I could have two in one place then why not get two bettas?? I got looking at the betta fish. (which you should NEVER do. NEVER look closely at the betta fish because then you end up wanting them.)
I found two more bettas with colorations that I thought were unique and pretty.

And then I noticed that another betta....with a multicolored coloration to him...only had one eye.

So suddenly I went from considering getting two more five more bettas.

Don't worry.
I am NOT that crazy.
And I definitely don't want my roommates to kill me by taking over the living room with a wall of betta fish.

So I spent the week dithering on which fish to get.
I definitely wanted to give the Tumorheaded betta a home.
But who should my second betta be?
Should I rescue the one eyed one? 
Should I go with the crown tail?
Should I go with one of the other two pretty ones that I liked?

It IS really too bad that these fish aren't communal.
Because seriously if the Betta fish weren't aggressive, I would have just filled my entire 125 gallon tank with them and their multicolored awesomeness. 
But they're aggressive.
And I can't just stick more bettas in my 125 when I know that the two I have in there already don't like making more friends. *exhales*

So I dithered.
And dithered.
and decided how much money I actually was willing to spend.
And which fish I should get.
And dithered on the fish some more.

Until I finally came to a decision.

And came home with three new bettas and two more betta tanks. 
-One is a split tank.
The other a nice little tiny corner tank that was on sale. 

And I placed the Tumorheaded Betta and my Crowntail in the split tank -since I'd already imagined them with their decorations in that set up.

And then placed the one-eyed betta fish in the small corner tank. 

Because yes, I'm a bleeding heart and I want the problem bettas to have nice homes too. 

But hey at least I didn't end up with five new fish.
Just three. 

And it's been so much fun to watch my new fishy friends swimming about and enjoying their new fish set up!!

^^ I'm so glad I got the three of them.

lol. Though I have promised my roommates that I won't get any more tiny tanks or betta fish. 
And that...when they end up dying...I'll try to not replace them but instead decrease my tank numbers once more.

Of course, that doesn't stop me from adding more fish to my 125. ^^ lol. 
But yah. Definitely NOT going to go find more bettas anytime soon. :) 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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